Lust or Love (The Love Vixen #2) - Jeannette Winters Page 0,8


“She helps everyone with their relationships,” Allison stated.

“Jack and I don’t have a relationship. I just need to come up with a polite way to send him on his way.”

“Deidre, The Love Vixen can help you with that. I mean you should read what she said yesterday. Oh wait, I have it on my phone. Let me read it to you.”

Dear Love Vixen,

I came home from work last night and found my husband wearing my clothes. I’m not talking about my jeans and t-shirts, either. Wearing my red garter belt, thigh-high stockings, and matching pumps. Even worse, he had on nipple clips that I didn’t own. He said he was just trying to spice things up. I’m all for that, but I was thinking maybe a vibrator or something. I wasn’t expecting this. Is it too much? Should I start buying my clothes in his size or is it time to put locks on my closet?



“If the Love Vixen can handle that, maybe she can help you,” Allison finished.

All I saw was a potential customer. Too bad it didn’t come with a name and address or I’d mail her my brochure. That would spice up the letter writer’s sex life. It never ceased to amaze me what people were willing to share about their personal lives. As a salesperson of adult toys, everyone seemed to want to share their sexual experiences - from doing it in elevators to one-night stands. And I just have to smile through it all.

“Someone really wrote in about that?” I asked. “I mean, that’s a bit…personal, don’t you think?”

“That is what makes reading this column so much fun. I mean, this isn’t even the best I’ve ever read. You’d be amazed at what people ask her,” Allison said.

I already am. “That’s great, but the issue I’m having with Jack is nothing like what that woman wrote in about.” I wouldn’t mind finding Jack half naked in my room. I don’t mind a bit of kink, but Jack wearing my lingerie was not what I’d choose from the lovemaking menu.

“Didn’t you say you dated Jack years ago?” she asked.

“Not really sure you’d call it dating. We hung out together when he had a break from training. But we never actually got to go anywhere like other kids did.” Movies, roller skating rinks, bowling, and parties were all off limits per Coach Robert. And as far as our time alone, the most we ever did was making out and fooling around a little. Even then it was hard to stop. The sexual attraction was powerful. From the way my heart still raced when he was near, I had a feeling it hadn’t lessened any, either. Just another reason I needed him to leave before things got out of hand. And no matter what he said, I still couldn’t understand why he wanted to stay.

“Maybe you should write her about the one that got away and she can give you advice on how to rekindle the flame,” Allison suggested.

“Absolutely not. I’m not interested in starting things up again. If I was, I wouldn’t be asking for help to get him to leave,” I said firmly.

“Before you make your decision, let me read you what The Love Vixen told her to do,” Allison said. “She’s so good.”

Dear Closeted,

No dear, don’t lock your closet. We should be open and sharing in a happy and healthy relationship. Let me give you some tips that should do the trick in dealing with your husband.

I have found that taking a picture of an outfit, complete with accessories, and then filing them in a binder is very helpful. It’s perfect actually. I organize the binder by occasion. Example: formal events, casual wear, work outfits, date night, etc. This way, all I must do is flip to the section and there it is, the appropriate outfit, complete with shoes, jewelry, scarf, handbag, and whatever accessory is needed to complete the ensemble.

You might be asking how this helps you, right? Well, it really is meant to help you both. I mean, if your husband is going to wear your clothes, you at least want him to look good, right?

As for the nipple clips. Looks like your husband also purchased you a gift. If you like the nipple clips, try storing them in silk bags for longer lasting finish without tarnishing. And don’t forget to label them for ease of identification. And if you lose them, no worries, I’m sure he’ll be happy to buy you another Copyright 2016 - 2024