Luscious - Lexi Blake Page 0,21

sacrificed for you the minute it came up. She might not think she’s looking for long term, but she’ll get comfortable. You better be sure you like her because getting rid of her might be hard on both of you.”

He wasn’t going to sic Adam on her. She’d saved him. She’d risked her life for his and if she had some secret…well, who didn’t? There were things he would never tell her. He would never give her the full story of what happened the day he lost his leg.

“Okay, I’ll back off,” Adam said. “Now, I’m going to let the hoard in. That is one mean-looking set of cooks, man. Do all restaurant employees look so rough?”

He grinned. “They do when they work at Top.”

For the first time in a long time, he felt like he belonged somewhere. He sat back as Adam called the first visitors in.

* * * *

“I’d really feel better if you let me run a few tests.” Will Daley was a handsome man. He was also stubborn.

“I’m fine.” Her back hurt like a mother, but she wasn’t about to run up thousands of dollars of debt when she could take some Advil and be good as new in a couple of days. Well, except she was fairly certain she’d developed a new fear of storms, but hey, what was one more phobia to add to the list?

“If you need me, call.” He handed her his card.

“I will.” She would for Macon.

The doctor shook his head and walked away.

“I think you frustrated the hot doc.” Deena walked up carrying two coffees.

“Tell me you got some sleep.” Deena was still wearing her cute top and blingy jeans from the night before.

She smiled, her lips curling up as she handed Ally the coffee. “I napped against Eric. He might look like all hard muscles, but he makes a nice pillow.” She frowned suddenly. “Oh, god. What if I snored? I’m pretty sure I snore, and not in a sweet snuffle way. Do you think the fact that I sound like a dying elephant will turn him off?”

It had been so long since she’d had a friend like Deena. Maybe never. She’d been that trashy Jones kid back in her hometown, the one whose dad went to jail. No one here cared about how awful her father had been. No one knew how much trouble she was. “You don’t sound like an elephant. It’s really more like a rhino.”

Deena slapped playfully at her arm and then gasped. “I’m so sorry.”

Ally shook her head. “I’m fine. I’m bruised, that’s all.”

She’d had way worse. This was going to be an ache, but she kind of liked it. She’d earned this ache. She’d done good.

Deena’s eyes filled with tears. “I can’t believe you did that. You know they’re saying he might have died without you.”

She wasn’t so sure of that. “I don’t know. He’s got a thick skull.”

“Stop. You need to stop being so modest and start thinking properly. You know what Macon’s reputation is, right?”

“He’s a nice guy?” He’d always been nice to her. Was he nice to the other waitresses? Sure. Maybe he was really nice to them. She’d noticed Jenni and Tiffany in the waiting room. They were two of the other servers. Both were young and pretty and probably had never spent a night on the streets or attacked a drug dealer with a hammer. Jenni was a petite blonde working her way through college, while Tiffany was an artist of some kind. She had the willowy figure found on magazine covers.

Ally was kind of short, and since she’d started eating at Top, she’d filled way out. What if Macon kissed any woman who totally threw herself at him?

“Macon is known as the great deflector,” Deena said as they walked toward the waiting room. “I gave him the nickname myself when I noticed how easily he deflected Jenni’s every attempt to trap him. That poor girl had it so bad. I don’t think it’s because she’s passionately in love with him. She’s the kind of girl who notices when a guy doesn’t notice and then she’s all over him.”

She knew the type. They annoyed her. “But everyone notices Jenni. The girl can’t walk into the kitchen without someone telling her how good she looks.”

“Because the other guys are smart,” Deena explained. “She’s a sweet kid, but none of these guys are interested in a kid. When Eric figured out her game, he hit on her once, let her Copyright 2016 - 2024