Luring Light - K.E. Osborn Page 0,80

gone from the club for good.

It would be so simple for me to rid him from our lives.

To get him the hell away from Ivy forever.

But if she found out it was me who sent him packing, I’m not stupid enough to know she will never forgive me.

Plus, he did come in and save my damn ass.

I owe him.

Maybe he isn’t such an asshole, after all.

“He’s gonna need a mentor,” I grunt.

Nycto hums under his breath. “Yeah, he will.”

Groaning as I run my hand through my hair, I sink into my seat. “Fine. I’ll do it. He did save my ass, he deserves a patch… as much as I fucking hate it.”

Everyone dips their chins at me.

“He gets the patch, but you got the girl. Remember that,” Nycto reminds me.

“Mmm,” I mumble under my breath.

There’s only one way to make sure.

“Now there’s one more item of business. The thing you came and talked to me about a while back, Void. I spoke to our brothers while you and Ivy were away. We’re gonna have another vote on it now, if you’re sure?”

My eyes widen. “Really?”

Nycto tilts his head. “Yeah, brother. We’ve seen enough to warrant it.”

“Well, then, let’s vote!”


We walk out of the chapel, and there’s a pep in my step as we go.

Dash’s patching-in ceremony is going to be in a couple of days, but right now, I need to tell my woman something in front of everyone. As we all enter the main room, Eva and Ivy are sitting on the sofa. Dash and West are at the bar drinking while Stacey’s behind serving them. A fantastic aroma’s wafting out from the kitchen, so I’m sure Trixie’s in there, while Pepper’s wiping down the small tables to get ready for dinner.

All eyes fall to us as I walk over to the pool table, sending out a whistle to grab everyone’s attention. They all turn to face me as my brothers fan out around me in a semi-circle.

“I have news.”

Ivy and Eva both jump up from the sofa, fear etched across their faces. “Oh God,” Eva mumbles, grabbing Ivy’s hand for support.

“Ivy, can you come here?”

She glances at her sister, giving her a supportive nod. Eva is hesitant to let her go, but Ivy detaches from her, then slowly walks my way. I reach out, taking her hand in mine with a slow smile creeping up on my face.

Ivy scowls, throwing a punch into my pec. Hard. “Fuck you, asshole, I thought something was wrong.” But she can’t fight the corner of her lips turning up.

Everyone chuckles as I shake my head. “Always fighting. You’re so fucking strong, Ivy. Your inner strength is what astounds me, time and time again. I made the mistake of thinking because you didn’t have the same life experiences as the rest of us, it meant you were meek and mild. Yeah, I was so goddamn wrong.”

She tilts her head as if she’s mocking me. “True story.”

I gesture to Nycto as he moves in behind me. “You, Ivy Pérez, are tougher than some of the men I’ve met. Your fire, your fight, your will to outdo is intoxicating—”

“Void… what is this?” she questions.

“You have a dark side, Ivy. It flows inside you. We used to call it your poison, poison Ivy. But I’m willing to take every last drop of your crazy even if it kills me.”

She tilts her head. “Used to call it poison? I’m not following, Void… what’s going on?”

I tilt my head at Nycto, he steps forward with a club cut.

Ivy raises her brow at me. “You’re claiming me? This is my property patch?”

I let out a small laugh. “Yes and no… I am claiming you, Ivy, but this isn’t your property patch.”

She scrunches up her face.

Nycto turns it around, pointing to the prospect patch on the front. “This is a club cut, Ivy. Tampa has never had a female prospect in our ranks, but we’ve voted. With the strength, determination, and courage you’ve shown, you’d make a fucking incredible Royal Bastard if you wanna join us?”

Ivy’s eyes widen so fucking huge it’s like she can’t even think, let alone speak. “So, wait, let me get this right, I’m prospecting in, and I’m an Ol’ Lady right now?”

My hands grip tighter on hers. “You’ll now be known as Toxin. Generally, we don’t give road names until you officially patch in, but seeing as you’re being claimed as well, we agreed to having your name known early.”

She lets out a loud laugh Copyright 2016 - 2024