Luring Light - K.E. Osborn Page 0,59

to his death. My life has changed so much since I was taken from Cuba. That night I was terrified, and Eva was the one keeping me together, but honestly being drugged and taken from Cuba to Tampa, then Nycto stealing us was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

Meeting Void has filled an emptiness inside me. Now I’m able to be who I want to be here because of him, which is a slightly messed-up introvert who loves the darkness.

I stare at the wall blankly.

Is Andrés decaying under there?

What is his disgusting body like?

Am I completely fucked up for wondering about these kinds of morbid things?

Footsteps trample down the stairs, but I don’t look to see who’s coming. I already know from the sound of the thump of the boots that it’s Void. He makes his way over to me, standing by my side. I casually glance at him, his face softening. “You reflecting on what happened to Andrés?”

I shrug. “I’m glad he’s in there. I just have this urge in me, this darkness that I question if I should be scared of or not.”

Void reaches out, pulling me to him in a tight embrace, a move not often shown. I wrap my arms around him, cuddling into him completely.

“That little bit of darkness in you, Ivy, is what scares me, not in the fact that it’s bad, but because it’s so fucking good. Your darkness matches mine. I’m fucked in the head, but I don’t want to drag you down with me.”

I pull back, peeking up at him. “If you’re going down, Void, then I want to come along for the ride. Bricking Andrés behind this wall made me more alive than anything I can ever think of… beside you being inside of me, of course.”

Void’s eyes meet mine, there’s nothing but adoration shining back in them. “And that right there is how I know you belong at this club… that you belong with me.”

I lean up on my toes, kissing him. My lips pop and tingle as they always do when I kiss Void. Wrapping my arms around him, his fingers move straight to my ass as I push him up against the bricks holding Andrés’ dead corpse. My clit begins to throb as I press my body against Void’s, needing a little friction. His cock grows hard as we kiss frantically, our hands going everywhere.

Is it wrong that I’m turned on by the fact we’re making out right next to the body of the man I killed?

Yeah, we’re both fucked in the head.

But I love every messed-up second of my life right now.

A Week Later

In the last week, Void’s been a little better with his moods. He’s still tense, but with us basically fucking like rabbits, I’m sure it relieves some of the tension he’s feeling. I wish he would open up to me about whatever it is that’s eating him up.

Dash is still not back, and it makes me a little more anxious about his whereabouts. I’ve tried calling him, but it continues to go to voicemail, and my texts are going unread. I want to talk to Nycto about it, but I’m worried if Void found out, it could be misconstrued into something that’s just not there.

Sitting in the main bunker eating my lunch at the table, Stacey walks in as happy as ever. She’s carrying a parcel as she slides it across the table toward me. “Delivery for you, Ivy.”

“For me?”

“You not expecting anything?”

“Don’t think so. But I was online shopping the other night, maybe I ended up buying something in my sleepy haze.”

“Ah, the old sleep-shopping trick. Done it many a time. I gotta get back to the bar, but I hope it’s something good, at least.”

I snort out a laugh. “It’s probably completely useless,” I tell her as she walks off.

Pulling the tape off, I crack open the lid. A red rose sits on top of some sexy black lingerie. My eyes widen as I try to stop my lips from turning upward in approval. Taking out the rose, I bring it to my nose, smelling it.

I had no idea Void had a romantic side.

Honestly, I never saw this coming.

I grab the string of the lacy top, pulling it out of the box. I furrow my brows when something wet coats my fingers. Looking at my skin, there’s a pattern of red liquid. “What in the?” I spin back to the box, lifting the piece of lingerie out, Copyright 2016 - 2024