Luring Light - K.E. Osborn Page 0,40

buy one. I called earlier, said I’d be in to check out the bikes on the floor.”

Greg hesitantly smiles, obviously unsure how to take the tension between Void and me. Still, without question, he swings his arm through the air gesturing to a different section. “Yes, Cade, wasn’t it?”

I jerk my head back in disbelief, knowing I’ve never asked Void about his real name. I guess I’ve just been so entrenched in the biker lifestyle, I took the guys’ road names as their actual names.

Void side-eyes me but then nods. “Yes, that’s me.”

“Right, come this way.” Greg starts to walk, but I reach out for Void’s arm.

He peers at me when I lean in whispering, “Cade?”

He exhales. “Yeah?”

A slow smile creeps over my face. “What’s your last name?”

Void’s eyes soften as he tightens his hold on me. “Cade Nixon.”

Warmth floods through me when he tells me his name. It’s smooth like honey, but also like bathing in a sea of whiskey—soothing, calming, overwhelmingly sweet to the ear. I have no idea what’s happening to my insides, but they’re like freaking mush.

“Cade Nixon,” I whisper.

Void brings his hand up, brushing a stray strand of hair away from my face. “Ivy Pérez…” His voice is low and husky like he’s in the moment with me. Like he knows he’s just shared something special with me. I lean up on my toes, pressing my lips to his in the middle of the showroom. My hand caresses the back of his head as his slides around my waist, pulling my body in alignment with his.

Our tongues dance together, my body tingling and sparking with such a rush I’ve become lightheaded.


Pulling back from Void, I turn, and Greg’s looking at us knowingly.

Void clears his throat, letting me go. “Sorry, man, you know how it is?”

Greg chuckles. “Young love? Yeah, I get it. Been married for twenty-eight years. Me and Glenda, we’re like you guys are when we first started dating. Now, it’s spending time with our kids and grandkids, just being a family… family’s all that matters.”

Void exhales. “Yeah, man, blood or the family you choose.”

“Exactly… anyway, I have a few ladies for you to check over. You ready?”

“Yes! So much, yes!” I bounce on my toes.

Void takes my hand as we walk through to the adjoining showroom. Bikes sit on the display room floor all shiny and new, pristine and perfect.

I want to test every single one.

But that would be stupid.

“Let me know if there’s one that catches your eye or any type, in particular, you’re after?” Greg asks.

Void and I both notice at the same time, one right in the corner. It’s designed sleek, black with industrial gray finishes. It’s shiny without being in your face. Just like Void, who’s a complex character, it doesn’t scream over the top. It’s appealing, rugged but smooth at the same time, and completely addictive like Void.

As I walk to it, my senses heighten. I run my hand over the gray gas tank, the cold metal beneath my fingers sends an electrifying chill down my spine.

Void stands back, watching me look over the bike. “You look fucking good next to that bike, sweet thing.”

“I bet you’d look even better on it.” I tilt my head toward the seat. “See how she feels.”

Void inhales sharply as he moves toward me, throwing his leg over, then takes a seat. Oh my God, hot doesn’t cover it. His strong hands grip the handlebars, his vast shoulders look even more imposing as he takes up his rightful position.

Excitement stirs as I picture him bending me over the seat, ramming into me from behind. I gnaw on my bottom lip, trying to keep my thoughts in check with Greg watching on.

“Softail Breakout, 1868cc engine, 155Nm torque, a custom slasher exhaust. She’s custom-made, a job that fell through last minute, so ape hangers were added. It’s why she’s on the floor for immediate sale. She’s a real beauty. Only one like her.”

Void raises his chin to Greg. “Bitch seat can be installed?”

“Definitely. I have one in stock. It can be added before you leave.”

Void turns back to me. “Wanna take her for a test drive?”

Jumping on my toes, I let out a small squeal. “Can we?”

“Of course. Let me get the bike set for you with the bitch seat, then you can take her for a test around the block,” Greg states.

Void jumps off the bike, letting Greg do his thing. He kicks out the stand, then wheels it away.

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