Luring Light - K.E. Osborn Page 0,12

long hair appears a little messy obviously from days of traveling as the two bitches beside him seem completely uninterested in being here. The shorter redhead smacks on a piece of gum like a cow, her mouth wide open as she chews. The taller one, with jet black hair, is a little more attuned to her surroundings as she looks over at Trixie sizing her up, maybe with a flash of awe in her eyes.

“Thanks for taking us in, brother. I need a break from these two. I mean, goddamn, I love pussy, but when it’s constantly open and yelling at me like these two, fuck, my cock’s never been so damn limp.”

“You’re an asshole!” Redhead spits out.

He turns to her. “And you’re still a whiney little bitch. Now, shut the hell up!”

The one with black hair starts laughing, and the redhead seems to take offense, so she slaps the other across the face. The black-haired girl stands taller about to scream at her when Pepper steps forward, jumping in between the two.

“Stop! That’s not how ladies behave. I know you’re both here to work porn, but you don’t have to behave like that toward each other. While you’re in our house, you will control yourselves. Fuck!”

I raise my brow at Pepper. Normally, it would be Trixie coming out as our head club girl, not the lowest position holder coming in to save the situation.

I can’t help but notice Mammoth eyeing her up and down.

His eyes swoop over her tiny frame. “What’s your name?” Mammoth asks.

Pepper turns to him, her eyes light as a slight smirk crossing her lips. “Pepper.”

He hums under his breath. “Good to know.”

A flush instantly rushes across Pepper’s face, and I roll my eyes as she glances toward the hall. “I’ve made up your room for you. The girls have one room to share. Yours is at the end… last door on the left.”

Mammoth waggles his brows at Pepper. “Well, seeing as you know my room so well, I guess it won’t hurt if you… help me break it in later?”

I cringe, but Pepper nods, probably a little too enthusiastically. “I’m here for whatever you need, Mammoth.”

I internally gag.

They need to go, fuck, and get this display over with.

“Right, well, make yourself at home, Mammoth. Our house is your house. You want something to eat, talk to Trixie, drinks, Stacey, anything else? Yeah, I think we’ve established you can go to Pepper for that. Enjoy!” I slap his back as he wraps his arm around Pepper.

Letting out a low chuckle, he says, “Oh, I plan to.”

I turn to look for Ivy, needing to ensure she’s okay after the events of today. Having our picture taken isn’t something that sits well with me. I have no clue who it was or what they were after, all I know is that it wasn’t for anything good. That thought unsettles me, so tonight while Mammoth is having a party, and Nycto is investigating, I’ll be making sure Ivy’s taken care of because I don’t want any kind of shitstorm to rain down on us.

The Next Day

Mammoth’s porno bitches are so fucking noisy. I swear I heard their racket all night, along with their stupid nonstop arguing from down the hall. Mammoth has his hands full with those two.

Ivy seems okay after I spent most of the night with her. I don’t think what happened yesterday has affected her in the same way it has me. Ivy doesn’t know this world like I do, so she doesn’t know what it could mean. Sure, we have explained it to her, but the depths it could go and the sinister bullshit behind it, could mean so much more.

However, in the light of a new day, everyone appears to be in a good mood, especially Mammoth and Pepper. Pepper has a spring in her step as she prances about the clubrooms. Mammoth seems extra hungry today, polishing off the biggest serving of bacon I have ever seen on a man’s plate.

While I sit here with my own concerns, Ivy’s down with Dash helping with the crops.

Standing, I make my way over to Nycto. “Prez, can we chat… in the chapel.”

Nycto removes his lips from Eva’s neck, turns his head, and his eyes bore into me like glaciers. “Now?”


Prez groans, shifting Eva from his lap onto the seat next to him. “Sorry, Chiquita, duty calls.”

Eva pecks him on the cheek, and he stands and walks with me to the chapel. As we walk inside, Copyright 2016 - 2024