Lured (Team Zero #1) - Rina Kent Page 0,35

doesn’t care.

I fix myself a sandwich. I don’t usually eat much in the morning, but Dominic is spoiling me and the British marmite is growing on me.

“What are you doing here, anyway?” I ask. “Shouldn’t you be working?”

“I took a day off.”

Now, that’s rare. I grin around a mouthful of my sandwich. I’m already halfway through. “That’s a coincidence. It’s my day off, too.”

“It’s no coincidence, Cam.”


My cheeks heat and that balloon starts growing in my chest. Dominic the workaholic who slaves in his lab, even during the weekend, took a day off for me.

“What’s the occasion?” I nibble on my sandwich, not paying it much attention anymore.

“I will show you around London. I figured you didn’t get a decent tour since you got here. Since I’m such a good sport, I volunteer to be your guide.”

My heart jumps in thrill and damn excitement, but I manage to copy his amused tone. “You’re not just a good sport, you’re like an angel.”


“Yeah. You even have the brightest halo in all of England. Can you believe I’ve seen it since I was in France?”

“I’m glad I showed you the way. Who knows what would’ve happened if you didn’t find me?”

I sip my coffee, the teasing mood withering away. Yeah, who knew what would’ve happened? I would’ve spent a few weeks here, satisfied my nerdy anglophile side, and then returned to France. By now, I would’ve grovelled to my parents and I would be drinking my coffee at the top of the hill with my nose deep in a book.

None of that seems possible now.

I’m so caught up in Dominic’s web that it will be impossible to get out.

He taps the table in front of my mug. “Where did your mind go now?”

“Not somewhere pleasant,” I admit.

I expect him to push and make me confess all these jumbled feelings and thoughts – that I’m not even sure I understand them myself – but he remains silent. Perhaps he doesn’t want to hear it either. Perhaps he’s too comfortable in the casual thing we have.

I used to think I’m comfortable, too.

Not anymore.

I want more of him and I have no idea how to get there.

Dominic’s expression is unreadable as he points at my half-eaten sandwich. “Are you done?”

“Yeah.” I drop the sandwich, losing all appetite. “Why?”

He pushes off his chair and reaches me in two long strides. One of his arms flings behind my back while the other goes under my legs. He lifts me in his arms with infinite ease. I yelp then gasp when his ravenous mouth finds mine. His tongue plunges inside, and I moan.

I wrap my arms around his neck. My fingers thread into his hair as I meet his passion with my insatiable one.

When he pulls away, I’m panting for breath. I’m so glad he’s carrying me. My legs wouldn’t have held me.

“That’s why.” His dark, gleaming eyes dissect my soul and put it on freaking display with a big ‘Under Dominic’s Spell’ sign on it.

I don’t even care anymore.

He nibbles on my earlobe, sending sparks of pleasure between my thighs. His slight scruff heightens my awareness of him.

With one last nibble, he squeezes my ass cheek and meets my gaze. “I deserve this much for preparing your breakfast every day.”

“I’m sure we can work out something more.” I pant, eyeing his lips. “I mean, you’re such a magnificent chef.”

His mouth hovers over mine and his cool breath tickles my lips. He’s a fraction away from kissing me, but he continues being a damn tease. “What would you reward me with?”

“Anything you want,” I croak, eyeing his lips.

He leans even closer until his head-turning scent is all I breathe, but he still doesn’t freaking kiss me.


My head bobs up and down. I’m apparently unable to form words anymore.

He hums, about to say something, but I cut him off.

“Oh, la ferme, Dom.” I seal my lips to his. Soon after, my urgency is met by Dominic’s uncontrollable one.

His tongue dives in and breath knocks out of my lungs. My toes curl, and shocks of desire ripple through me.

It’s terrifying how much my body comes alive in his arms. If I leave, I don’t think I can survive the withdrawal.

Still kissing me senseless, Dominic carries me to the bedroom in a few long strides. Once I’m on the bed, he crawls atop of me and kisses his way down my jaw to my earlobe and collarbone with maddened urgency. He sucks and nibbles and drives me crazy.

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