Lured (Team Zero #1) - Rina Kent Page 0,10

his command. The feel of being completely helpless in his arms pushes me to a hazy phase I didn’t know existed.

I can’t feel anything but the harsh, pleasurable friction.

In and out.

In. Out.

In –

“Show me that dark hidden side,” he rasps. “Show me what you’re made of, baby girl.”

The moment his thumb touches my clit – no kidding, he doesn’t even tease it, he just touches it – I explode all over his fingers. My body shivers and my limbs fail me. The orgasm hits me with a strength I never thought was possible.

I fall. Or I think I do.

Black eats at the corners of my vision. Strong arms surround me as darkness sucks me in its clutches.

Chapter Seven

The thing about power? It doesn’t ask for permission.

I don’t ask for permission.

Dominic thinks himself powerful and mighty. He thinks that because he achieved all that he had set eyes on, he has the right to everything.

Since everyone falls at his feet, Dominic is deluded enough to think he owns the world. Young and arrogant and reckless.

I’ve been trying to find a weakness on him for a long time.

It looks like today I found it in the shape of a little French girl.

She’ll be the reason for his crash and burn.

Someone like Dominic will tear her apart in the process.

Chapter Eight

My eyes crack open to be assaulted with strong light.

I fling the pillow over my head. I always told Maman to stop waking me up early.

A burn in my ass causes me to wince.

I jerk up and groan when my sensitive skin moves against the sheets. I hold the covers to my chin as I study my surroundings. A hotel’s bedroom. It’s soft and white and… impersonal.

Memories drift in my mind like a cloud. The spanking. The sick pleasure. The shattering orgasm. The blacking out.

Wow. I had an orgasm so strong that I fainted.

Dominic must’ve brought me to the bedroom. I scrunch my nose. I wanted to feel it when he carried me in those strong arms.

I stare at the clock on the wall. I’ve been sleeping for half an hour. That wasn’t too long. Je pense. I still have an hour until my shift starts.

My lower lip rolls behind my teeth. Maybe Dominic got bored and left? I can’t blame him since I kind of passed out on him.

I slide to the edge of the bed. My ass throbs, and I groan. I stand and drape the sheet around my torso. My steps are careful as I peek from the ajar door.

Dominic’s cool, deep voice filters from the other room. I release a breath. He didn’t leave.

I spy him standing at the huge glass window, staring at London’s buildings, and speaking on the phone. His back is facing me. He’s still in that fitted shirt with the rolled sleeves. He has a hand in his pocket while his other forearm is leaning on the glass. A throb starts between my legs, and I rub them together.

“I said it’s done.” He grits out. I’ve been so distracted by him that I didn’t hear what he was talking about. The way he spoke the last words strikes me. It’s angry and harsh. And it’s not the type of authoritativeness that turns me into goo. He’s genuinely pissed off. I feel sorry for whoever has to endure his wrath.

I have no doubts that he actively destroys anyone who stands in his path.

“It will be on my terms, not yours.” Dominic hangs up and taps a few things in his phone before putting it in his ear again. “I’ll be back to the lab in an hour. Yes.” Silence. “Yes. Excellent.”

More silence.

I kind of forgot that he’s a doctor. I can volunteer to be his patient. Although Nancy gossipy side mentioned that he’s more in the research field rather than the practical field.

Pity. Patients are missing out on him.

On second thought, no. I don’t know why I don’t like the idea of him touching women all around.

“I need the first bracket’s results today. Keep recording any changes,” he says. “You’re the best, Sophie.”

I clutch the sheet tighter to my chest. I hate this feeling at the pit of my stomach as if I’m upset or something. He can have a Sophie or whoever he pleases.

He places his phone in his trousers’ pocket and turns around. His brown eyes soften, and so do my insides. I swear he has enchanted me.

He reaches me in a few strides. I can’t help admiring the agile, confident way he moves Copyright 2016 - 2024