Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,30

proposed to him.”

“Oh…” I feel utterly dumb now.

“They had decided before her coma to get engaged, but the proposal didn’t happen until she woke up and took care of it.” I blink twice, but my jaw remains on the floor. “Now that you know it was Ms. Van Gatt who rushed Mr. No Name into engagement, move on, and let me finish my book.”

But I’ve got more to ask. “Do you know why it didn’t happen? I mean, why he didn’t propose before?”

Sarah rolls her eyes just as fast. “Oh boy. No, I don’t know. I’m not the gestapo. Why don’t you ask her? She doesn’t bite.”

“Um, after our argument this morning, I’m not sure…”

The truth is, there’s no point in staying in the library if I can’t focus. I have to talk to Petra. We can’t stay mad at each other forever, especially because of my attitude this morning. Our friendship is too dear to me. After leaving the library, I find her entertained in the cafeteria with Katrina and David, a straw between her lips, drinking a strawberry smoothie. She looks all sweet and adorable with them. Not sure how she’ll be with me though. One thing is for sure: I’ve got to apologize first. Taking a deep breath, I glance at the vitrine on my right to check my reflection, and, seeing that I look presentable, I walk toward them.

Removing my mask, I ask, “Petra, may I talk to you?”

She takes a sip of her smoothie, while Katrina and David look at me with a WTF face.

“Outside, I mean.”

“Um, sure.”

A grin of joy warms up my face.

Petra takes up her backpack without even letting the straw fall from her lips, and follows me outside, where we decide to stroll around the campus.

She smells exactly like before—jasmine flowers. Ahhh… Petra’s scent, I’ve missed it terribly. It’s delicate, elegant, young, and feminine.

We finally stop walking. She looks at me, wondering what I will say or do next. My first impulse is to kiss her, taste her beautiful glossy lips, and tell her this engagement is total nonsense. But I’m sure I’d get a slap in return, so instead I say, “I really wanted to apologize for my attitude this morning. I was behaving like a total ass.” I pause, carefully pondering my next words. It’s not easy for me to open up about my feelings. And it’s not like I intended to, but I owe her an apology and at least some sort of explanation. “I’m not gonna lie, I… um, I got pretty pissed off as soon as I saw you with your ring on.” I feel bad for talking about it, but she doesn’t seem put off by the conversation. Petra keeps listening, her vibe so kind and affable, like the friend she has always been. I break eye contact, my eyes staring at nothing. Jeez, the reality that she’s now the fiancée of anyone but me is devastating. “I was angry and sad, but if it makes you happy, then I’m happy,” I lie, but she smiles in return, so it’s all good. That’s all that matters anyway. “I hope you are really sure about this engagement. I mean, you’re very young. I was just worried about you, as I found it quite odd…”

To my surprise, she hugs me tight in excitement. Wow. Finding her arms wrapped around my neck, her hair itching my nose, her heart beating against mine is way more than I ever thought it would be. I do my best to remain insensible to it, but I’m only human.

“Thanks,” she says in relief. “I’m so glad we can continue to be friends.” Well, what choice do I have? After she releases me, Petra looks down at her iPhone and says, “Well, my next class is starting soon. I’ve got go.” And she gives me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving me.

Chapter 6

Bedford Hills, September 11, 2020

Petra Van Gatt

The week went by pretty fast, but regardless of that, I counted every single day until Alex would finally come and pick me up to go to our engagement party. Respecting my dad’s wishes that I only see Alex during the weekend so I can focus on my studies during the week has been harder than I thought. I think his demand is total bullshit, but since Dad has been so supportive, I’ve been going along with it. Plus, Alex and I text every day and even FaceTime, so it’s not like we Copyright 2016 - 2024