Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,154

to press charges against you?”

Another question that makes me tense up. “I hope it doesn’t come to that,” I tell him, but I can’t hide the concern in my voice. “But I hope she will stick by me even then.”

“For better or worse, huh?”

And I can’t help but say, “That’s the idea.”

Petra Van Gatt

As Mona shows me around the house, I must say, what a nice refuge Hendrik has built here in Bermuda. His villa is not only spacious and cozy, but it also has an impressive backyard, with a large pool, terrace, bar area, and gardens. The only thing I didn’t expect is for the place to already be full of people. Mona invites me to the bar, and we pass through a big crowd that is now dancing to the rhythmic music of the live band, lit by a string of gold-colored lights hanging above them.

“What do you want to drink?” Mona asks over the noise.

“Um, any nonalcoholic cocktail is fine,” I tell her. Then I look around at the live band, the singer setting the crowd on fire as she remakes a classic of Charles Bradley’s, “Ain’t It a Sin,” and the crowd shouts and applauds in excitement. It reminds me of my dad’s galas and his old vinyls that are religiously stowed in my atelier. Reveling in the funky energy of the evening, I can’t help but say, “This place is surreal.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty nice.” As we wait for the cocktails to be served, Mona is the first to break our silence. “What brought you here by boat? We have an airport, you know.”

I crack a laugh at her question. “Um, sailing is pretty nice too. And it gave Alex and I five days filled with great memories.”

The waiter puts the two drinks on the bar counter; a margarita for Mona and a nonalcoholic mojito for me. We take our respective glasses, and Mona raises hers in a toast. “Well, to your stay in Bermuda.” And we clink our glasses.

After taking a quick sip, I decide to get to know her better. After all, Alex mentioned he’s known her for over eighteen years, and Hendrik literally said she’s the angel of his life. “Who did you meet first?” I ask. “Alex or Hendrik?”

“I met Hendrik first. I used to work as an interior designer for properties and hotels. Hendrik wanted to change the decoration of his villa, and I took on the project. We got along pretty well, and um, he was such a charmer, you know…”

I love seeing Mona slightly blush as she talks about him. And I can’t help but agree with that. “Yeah, he and Alex are so alike, it’s frightening.” Then another question comes to mind. “Have you ever met the rest of his children?”

“No, just Alex. He’s the only one who ever comes here.”

I try my best not to gape, but damn, after living here for nearly twenty years, no one has ever come to visit him except Alex? While I don’t know much about Hendrik, it must be pretty tough not seeing his daughters and to have never met his grandchildren. “Oh, um, I didn’t know that.” I switch to a less sensitive subject, focusing on her. “Have you always lived here in Bermuda?”

“I’ve lived a bit of everywhere. As an interior designer, I used to work for many international companies, so I lived in New York, London, Sydney, Hong Kong… Despite now living here with Hendrik, the world is still my playground.” The great energy that radiates from Mona is so contagious that I can’t help but smile at her.

“Wow. Your life must have been so exciting.” Then I squint my eyes and wonder, “But wait, um, how old are you, if I may ask?”

As she returns the smile, she leans closer to my ear and says, “I’m fifty-six, my dear.”

What? I mean, she’s nearly my mom’s age. Yet I wouldn’t have said more than thirty. “Oh, wow. Well, that’s really inspiring. Is it just good genes, or is there any recipe for your perfect skin and toned body?”

“I guess a fair amount of good genes, and discipline too.”

The ringing sound of an iPhone breaks through our conversation, and in a quick move, Mona puts her phone against her ear. “Yep?” As she takes her call, I let myself revel in the current music and electrifying vibe. My eyes are on the singer, fully invested in the moment, her vocals drifting into a soaring soul groove. And while I Copyright 2016 - 2024