Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,152

cover the base of the plug enough for me to take a big step and leap onto the surface.

“There he is,” Hendrik greets, his arms wide open to welcome his son.


Hendrik gives his son a quick pat on the back before they exchange a few words. Then his eyes go in my direction, and I hear him say, “Ms. Van Gatt…” I wonder how I should greet him, but Hendrik just takes my hand, giving it a kiss, and I giggle a bit as he does so. They are just the same. It’s incredible. I must confess, despite his age and the wrinkles on his face, Hendrik is just as charming as his son. And most likely, also a well-known heartbreaker on the island. “What a pleasure to finally meet you.” His deep, husky voice is joyful and magnetic, just like the vibe of this place, and a big grin settles on my lips.

“The pleasure is all mine,” I tell him. “And please just call me Petra.”

“Petra, what a beautiful name. And I’m Hendrik, the father of the luckiest man on earth.” A quick laugh escapes me, and I’m so glad that I can call him by his first name. After all, I’ve called Alex by his last name so many times that it’d be awkward for me to do the same with his dad. Then Hendrik looks at the woman standing beside him, and putting a hand at her back, he says, “And this lady here is Mona, my best friend and the angel of my life.”

Mona shakes her head in amusement. “Hi, Petra, welcome to Bermuda,” she greets me with a broad smile, before we exchange two cheek kisses. “Is this your first time here?”

“Yep,” I reply. And as I glance around the sandy beach and take a deep breath of the fresh sea air, all I hope is that we can stay here long enough to explore the whole island.

We start walking back to the pathway that leads to the villa, when Alex leans closer to me and whispers, “I’m gonna have a quick chat with my dad. Mona will show you around. She’s really trustworthy. I’ve known her for, like, eighteen years.” And he presses his lips to my head as he always does.

Chapter 37

Bermuda, October 29, 2020

Alexander Van Dieren

The last thing I wanted is to be here at my dad’s place asking him for help. But alas, he’s the only person I trust enough to fight against Roy and Tess. And if I recall correctly, Roy still values my dad a lot. He invites me to his favorite part of the house—his study. Despite the windows being wide open, there is still a lingering smell of sex and cigars. And as I glance around at the Chesterfield armchairs and sofa, I wonder if there is any surface that hasn’t been fucked on. Glad he followed my advice and got a vasectomy before leaving the Netherlands. One bastard in the family is already insulting enough.

“Well, I don’t think I need to tell you this, but damn! What a fine woman you brought with you.” Jeez, at seventy-two, he still talks like he’s twenty.

“Thanks.” I pace slowly around his office while Dad serves us some whiskey.

Then I stand still in front of an oil painting that hangs above his sofa. Holding two glasses in his hands, he walks toward me and gives me one. I take a first sip, my gaze steady as I continue observing the nude portrait. “Mona?”

“A gift for my birthday,” Dad replies, a smile on his lips as he gives it a quick glance.

“She treats you well.”

“I can’t complain.” Then he gestures for me to sit in the armchair behind me, while he takes a seat on the sofa. “So, what brings you all the way from New York?” And I knew he wouldn’t waste any time asking me just that.

“I told you. I just wanted to introduce you to my future wife. Sounds reasonable, no?”

“Bullshit,” he replies just as fast. “What kind of trouble are you in?” I can’t deny that he knows me well.

“It’s Roy…” I start cautiously.

His eyes widen instantly in shock. “Don’t tell me you proposed to his daughter without his blessing?”

“Well, I asked him last year, and he was okay with it then.” I pause for a beat. “But not her mom, and now she’s blackmailing us.”

“Ah,” Dad just utters right before taking a sip. “Her mother is that politician who denounced Julia on TV, right?” I’m impressed Copyright 2016 - 2024