Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,143

for returning it to me,” I say in a low voice, a bit overwhelmed with emotions.

“It’s yours. There’s no need to thank me.” He then leans down, his arms embracing me from behind, and plants a kiss with a smack on my head. I giggle a bit at the familiar sound—he used to do that when I was younger. Then he goes and sits in front of me. “Have you had breakfast yet?”

“No, um, I just arrived.”

The steward comes in and lays before me a plate of avocado toast with cherry tomatoes, grilled mushrooms, and my matcha latte.

“Do you want pancakes too, Miss?” he asks.

“Um, no, this is enough, thanks.”

Then he takes Alex’s order, and I take a sip of my matcha, waiting for him to leave the terrace. After he does so, I take a deep breath into my lungs, and knowing that we are all alone, I ask, “Can we talk about that box?”

“Which box?” I arch a brow at his little game. “Be specific.” Oh, now I have to be specific. Great.

Lowering my voice, I lean forward and say, “Training for Little Petra? Really?”

His lips twist into a smile full of pride. “What’s wrong with Little Petra?”

The truth is, nothing is wrong with that part. He’s always called me Little Petra ever since I can recall. “It’s the training that’s the issue. Or, more specifically, the daily plugs.”

“Does it hurt?”

Oh dear, he’s not making this any easier. I glance around, making sure no crew member is coming. “It’s bearable,” I reply promptly. “But why? Why do I need to wear this every day during our trip? What am I training for?”

Alex leaps out of his seat, and I wonder in that moment if I said something wrong. He goes around the table and takes the chair beside me, bringing it closer to mine. After sitting, he holds my gaze steadily, but he’s not smiling. His lips are pressed into a straight line, his expression revealing nothing. “You want to know all the details, Miss Curiosity?” His tone is not even playful; rather, his words sound like a test.

I nod, uncertain about the outcome of such a decision.

He remains silent, considering me for an instant, then he leans closer to me, just inches from my face. “I’m training you to become more”—he squints his eyes, a faint smile settling on his lips—“available.”

My mouth gapes instantly, and I blink twice at his words. “Available?”

Alex bursts out in a laugh, amused by my constant inquisition. “Those plugs will loosen your little asshole for me, so I can go in more easily.” And I realize how sexual this conversation has just become. My lips part to take some precious air into my lungs as my heartbeat quickens with every word coming from his mouth. “Yesterday I had to go very slowly to get in,” he explains. “This training will make things easier for us.”

“Oh…” I don’t think we have ever had a discussion so intimate about my butt. But it doesn’t feel as odd as I thought. Actually, I enjoy the attention he’s giving to my body. It makes me feel desired, and I hope he’ll always be like that. But I still have some questions. “And, um, I’m not gonna have any technical issues taking it out?”

He lets out a quick chuckle, but it’s a legitimate concern after all. “It’s gonna come out as naturally as any other. Don’t worry.” And he rises up just enough to kiss my forehead. “After a day or two, you won’t feel the difference with it in.”

He goes back to sit in front of me, right before the steward comes in and places his cup of black coffee on the table, along with an omelet, fruit, and an avocado. “For Monday, I imagine you will have online classes?”

Oh, I’m impressed how Alex can switch from butt talk to my studies so easily. “Yeah, and um, Tuesday I usually have a group session, as we are working on a study for Public Economics.”

“You won’t be able to have contact with anyone for now.”

WHAT! “Why not?” I ask immediately. “Impossible. I’m in charge of the study. My name is on it.”

“They can trace our location via satellite—”

“They are college students,” I snap back. “Not the FBI.”

“I know, but your friend Matthew can inquire about you and pressure you to give info about where you are. It’s not safe.”

“Speaking of Matthew…” Alex’s brows pinch together as he observes me. “He’s turning twenty today. And, um, I ran Copyright 2016 - 2024