Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,130

I can’t believe Katrina just told him that. She spoke so bluntly that I’m left blinking my eyes, speechless.

“What?” While everyone is breaking into laughter, the poor man remains just as confused. “Who’s speaking?”

But Katrina then hangs up. “Done.”

“Well done,” David praises. “You might have saved his future students from that terrible breath.”

Now being her turn, Katrina looks at Matthew and gives him a smirk. “Matthew, truth or dare?”

“Knowing you as I do, I will go with truth.”

But Katrina blinks twice, most likely in surprise. “You know you’re gonna have to do a shot first, right?”

Matthew keeps thinking for a moment and says, “Alright, I still prefer truth over dare.”

Katrina raises her brows, still baffled by his choice. “Are you sure?”

“Go ahead,” Matthew tells her.

Katrina takes the tequila bottle from the cooler, gets up from her seat, and goes to stand behind him.

Matt closes his eyes, tilting his head back, and opens his mouth wide for Katrina to pour some tequila into it. Everyone cheers and claps at the show while Matt tries his best to drink the tequila falling in his mouth, although most of it just lands on his chin. His facial expression twitches into a grimace as he keeps swallowing the distilled alcohol, and I find myself doing the same.

Once he drinks enough, Katrina goes back to her seat and then starts, “Matthew Bradford.” Everyone remains quiet, patiently waiting for her question. “Is it true that you have a crush on Ms. Van Gatt?”

“Jeez…” David shouts at the blunt question.

And as I freeze on the spot, my cheeks must have turned a sharp shade of red. What an embarrassing question to ask. Damn!

Matthew looks at me, giving me an unbothered smile. “Yep, and I think she knows that,” he replies in the coolest manner possible, his eyes on mine.

Wow. The way he dealt with such a delicate question couldn’t have been better, and I return the smile, though a bit troubled that he still has feelings for me. You are really dear to me, I recall him saying in his apartment. Jeez, my chest tightens knowing how hurt he’s gonna be when he finds out that I ran away.

“Oh…” Katrina utters. “That’s so cute.”

I’m not sure if I’m supposed to say something or not, but I break eye contact and take a quick sip of my matcha, anxiously waiting for the next round.

“Sarah,” Matthew starts. “Truth or dare?”

Sarah doesn’t waste any time, answering, “Dare!”

“Why am I not even surprised?” he asks with a chuckle, before thinking something through. “Alright, you’re gonna lick Katrina’s neck and then give her a kiss on the mouth.”

“Really? That’s it?” Sarah seems visibly disappointed, and we all laugh at her expression. “Sometimes I get the impression you are from last century.” Without further ado, Sarah leans toward Katrina’s neck and licks it in one go, which seems dumb to me rather than sensual, and I let a quick chuckle escape. Then the duo exchanges a quite intense kiss on the mouth, like they are used to it.

“Damn!” David’s jaw drops to the floor as he observes the girls kissing in awe. And judging by his face, it seems like it’s the first time he’s seen this. I shake my head in amusement as I witness the whole thing.

“That was super hot,” Matthew praises once they are done. “I didn’t know you had practiced before.”

“Ha ha,” Sarah ripostes back. And her attention shifts to me. “Petra, truth or dare?”

Oh my… Why can’t I just sit here and watch? I know if I opt for truth, I will have to take a shot, but I’m too scared of what Sarah will ask me to do if I choose dare, so instead I go with the safest option. “Um, truth.”

“You know you have to take a shot of tequila first,” Katrina says in a playful tone as she shows me the bottle.

“Can I at least drink from a shot glass?” Yeah, I’m definitely not going to put on the same embarrassing show that Matthew did. Plus, having tequila all over my mouth, coat, and shirt is far from ideal.

“Alright.” Matthew rushes inside the house, and two minutes later, he brings out a shot glass. Then Katrina fills it and gives it to me.

Not wanting to waste more time on this, I take one quick sip, then force myself to swallow the rest just as fast. “Done.” I breathe slowly in and out, taming the urge to grimace as the alcohol goes down to my stomach.

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