Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,128

truly left forever for Singapore? The question terrifies me, and I mentally slap myself at having even thought about it. No, Matthew is a friend, and he belongs in the friend zone, even if Alex had left, I tell myself. A fatigued sigh rolls off my lips as I push those thoughts away. The uncertainty of what the future holds for me keeps my heart pulsing faster than usual. After all, not only am I leaving my entire life in New York behind, but I also have no idea where I’m going next. Thankfully, I only have online classes for now, but what about next year? Will I be able to return to New York safely without repercussions from Dad or Mom? And what about Matthew? Will he ever forgive me for running away from his house on his birthday? I guess only time will tell.

The Hamptons, October 23, 2020

Petra Van Gatt

“Here we are,” Matthew announces as we finally arrive onto his street. While everyone is praising the beautiful neighborhood and the direct access to the beach, I look discreetly behind us—fortunately, I don’t see anyone. Maybe my parents decided not to send the bodyguards to the Hamptons after all. Or maybe they have been told to stay at a distance. But the road is really long, and I don’t see any cars on the horizon. Maybe Dad decided it was safe enough and there would be no need to bring extra security. Once Matthew stops the car in front of the gates, I take note how they open automatically when he presses a button on his keys. As we wait for the gates to open all the way, I see a pedestrian door with a doorknob on my right. When we get to the driveway, I notice a security cam perched on the front porch, recording the entrance. After parking the car in the garage, Matthew leads us inside and shows us our respective rooms. I must admit, I was not expecting the house to be so spacious and modern. It even looks pretty similar to Emma’s. Matthew leaves the group behind and gestures discreetly for me to follow him down the hallway. He then opens a door, inviting me in.

“Is this room alright for you?” He turns the light on, and I take a few more steps, my lips curving up as I smell the fresh jasmine fragrance. My eyes marvel at the view of the beach from the floor-to-ceiling windows, but I’m particularly glad to see I have a private bathroom. I don’t know why, but I’ve got a feeling it’s the best bedroom in the house.

Pressing my lips tightly together, I can’t stop thinking about what I’m about to do in a few hours. I’m nearly tempted to ask Alex to postpone until tomorrow evening, but that’d be so tone-deaf. After everything we’ve been through, I have to leave today. “It’s great, yeah,” I tell him, my tone not as enthusiastic as I wanted.

He strolls over in my direction and stops inches from me. “By the look on your face, it doesn’t seem like it.” But I don’t dare look him in the eye, so my gaze remains down—it feels safer. “If you prefer mine, we can switch…” Then he brushes some hair behind my ear, forcing me to hold his gaze. Matthew pauses and simply stares at me for a few heartbeats. And as we look at each other, I feel a bit like a traitor for running away on his birthday without telling him why. The thought of it doesn’t sit well with me, and I truly hope he’ll forgive me. But I force a smile and say, “No, don’t worry, this one is really nice. And the view of the beach is great.”

But Matthew is still observing me attentively, like I’m some sort of puzzle he’s trying to solve. “Are you still angry at me?”

I chuckle at his question. “No, I…” Pausing for a beat, I search for a proper excuse. “I’m just a bit tired because of the drive.” Bullshit. “But I’m good.” And feigning some enthusiasm, I brush his arm energetically. “So, how does it feel turning twenty?”

“Well, ask me that at midnight.” And he gives me a playful wink, which makes me feel even worse. “Let’s go. The rest of the group is already in the dining room.”

We go to the dining room and find everyone already setting the table for dinner. As Sarah looks in our direction, her eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024