Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,122

responsibility as parents to protect you until your prefrontal cortex is fully developed. The problem is that teens are stubborn, and think they know better.” And she emphasizes the last word.

I can’t help but shake my head. I want so much to argue back, but just twenty minutes ago, I decided to be more sympathetic. So, taking a deep, long breath, I just tell her, “I will have some matcha.” And I leave the conversation there. No matter how much I try, Mom and I have fundamental differences. Differences that will never go away. I don’t mind different opinions—Matthew and I are very different when it comes to philosophy, and Emma and I are very different when it comes to our lifestyles—but I do mind when those opinions are being imposed on my own life and the way I should live it.

As I blink my eyes at the screen of my iPhone, I’m not sure how I should reply to Matthew’s invitation to spend the weekend in the Hamptons with the rest of the group to celebrate his twentieth birthday. After his disgusting attitude at our last lunch, he really expects me to join? What a joke! Anyway, I have to skip his event and go to Emma’s, since Alex will be waiting for me there. But what if the bodyguards follow me to her house? Jeez! That would be pure madness! This weekend is the perfect occasion to leave Manhattan and my parents behind once and for all though. I just need to make sure those guards don’t follow me. How? As I keep ruminating, the ringing sound of my iPhone startles me. Not surprisingly, it’s Matthew requesting a FaceTime. Damn! He sent me the invite, like, two minutes ago. What’s the hurry? But curiosity getting the best of me, I accept his request, and when our cams are on, we clearly don’t share the same enthusiasm at seeing each other—while I remain pretty stoic, Matthew gives me a full-tooth grin and waves at me in such a ridiculous manner that I wonder if he’s doing it on purpose to make fun of himself.

“Hi,” I say in response to his charade.

After exchanging the usual greetings and a little small talk, Matthew doesn’t waste any time jumping right into the reason for his call. “Um, did you get my invite?”

“I did,” I reply, reveling in his concern that I’ll decline it.


“And…” I let the word trail off as I ponder a proper answer to his question. But the truth is, there aren’t a thousand ways to put it, so instead I simply say, “I’m not sure I should go.”

Matthew’s smile disappears just as fast, and I swear his expression has never been so grave. “Why not?”

Why not? Really? “Well, not sure if you remember, but you were pretty rude to me last time we went out.”

“So you’re mad at me?” It might come as a surprise to him, but I nod, not even bothering to argue my case. “Why? Oh! Because I expressed an opinion against your ex-fiancé or whatever he is right now?”

“It wasn’t just an opinion, Matt,” I snap. “You were rude and pitiful.” Seeing Matthew blowing out a breath while he shakes his head in total disbelief, I add, “I thought you supported me. At least that’s what you told me on campus, remember?”

He presses his lips together, looking past me at nothing. “It’s not that simple…”

My brows raise at his statement. “You mean not being rude? I think it’s pretty simple, actually.”

Matthew runs a hand through his tousled hair as he keeps ruminating. “Alright, I apologize for that.” Despite his words, I see no remorse whatsoever. I don’t think he even means it. “Can you join us this weekend? Please, it’s my birthday…” he insists, pressing his hands together like in prayer.

“It’s the second time you’ve apologized for the same thing though…” I share my concerns out loud with him, not really convinced of his sincerity, which kinda sucks, since I truly believed in our friendship.

Seeing how skeptical I am of his claims, Matthew lets out a breath louder than usual, considering me for a moment. “Alright, you want the truth?”

Huh? His question makes me gape. “Yeah, that would be a good start.”

Despite my welcoming his honesty, Matthew takes a few more seconds to mentally craft his answer, which leaves me wondering why. “I won’t deny that meeting your mom, who is against the relationship, made my opinion feel validated.”

“Validated?” I repeat, my eyes opening wide.

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