Lucky Strike (Super Harem #1) - Catherine Banks Page 0,68

the way his heart rate just spiked, they may be doing that,” Alfred said.

I smacked the double doors in front of me open and headed to the end of the hall where they had the containment cells that they put prisoners in for testing and questioning.

A petite woman with black hair and warm, golden skin stood by the door, examining her nails. She looked up, her dark eyes narrowed, and scowled. “This room is in use. You’ll have to come back later.”

“Step aside,” I ordered her. I had seen her around before, but couldn’t remember her name or what her powers were.

She tilted her head as she examined me. “What’s got your feathers ruffled? Whatever it is must have clogged your hearing, too. No, you can’t come in here. I was given strict orders not to let anyone in.”

I let a bit of electricity dance across my fingertips and said, “Move.”

Her eyes widened and then her body exploded with a poof of red sparkly smoke and she turned into a human-panda hybrid.

I blinked a couple of times to make sure I hadn’t just hallucinated. Nope, she was a panda woman.

She snarled, showing me her teeth.

“Go,” Gargoyle whispered, stepped forward and growled at her. He grabbed her and threw her down the opposite end of the hallway.

I ducked under his wings and kicked the door open.

There was another door and a wall with what appeared to be a one-way mirror. On the other side, Transistor sat strapped to a chair, his mask still on, but as I watched, the Genetics Director hit a button and the chair T sat on lit up with electricity, and his face contorted.

I couldn’t hear the scream, but I felt it deep in my bones.

“Window,” I barked at Alfred.

He fired two rounds and the glass exploded inwards, making my grandfather duck behind the desk and accidentally hit the switch to stop electrocuting Transistor.

“Free him,” I ordered Alfred and stalked towards the desk.

He stood to his full height and smirked at me. “Hello, Granddaughter. I had heard you were informed of our bloodline connection recently, but I hadn’t expected to see you so soon. May I ask why you are destroying Association property while I am interrogating a villain?” He looked past me at Alfred freeing Transistor. “And why you are assisting a villain in his escape?”

“What have you been using the heroes’ blood samples for? What have you been creating?” I asked him.

He smirked. “I don’t know what you mean. I haven’t been doing anything except ensuring our heroes are safe and—”

I jumped forward and slammed my forearm against his throat as I pinned him to the wall. “Enough of your bullshit. I saw the enhancements on the monster I fought. Mom recognized it immediately. What have you been doing?”

He smiled. “A shame about your father. You know, I have the ability to save him, but I can’t do that if you kill me.”

“Why are you creating and enhancing monsters? We have enough problems with them already,” I snapped. “Are you building an army? Are you planning to try to take over the Association?”

He laughed. “Girl, you are so far out of your league. I don’t need to take over. All I have to do is help the Association with their issues and they let me do whatever else I want.”

“There’s no way they know about you enhancing monsters,” I said. “Or that you’re drugging heroes to be more compliant.”

He shrugged. “They don’t know all my comings and goings, but I have provided exemplary service for so many years now that they’d probably only give me a slap on the wrist.”

“Lucky,” Transistor whispered. “Careful.”

“So, why are you helping this villain? He used to capture you and try to kill you, did he not? Don’t tell me this is some type of Stockholm Syndrome love insanity.” Grandfather sneered.

I sent a bit of electricity into him, making him cry out in pain. “No, this is me stopping my family from destroying what good is left in the world.”

He panted a second and then chuckled softly. “You think there is good in the world? You’re stupid and naïve if you do.”

“I know there is good in the world,” I said. “I see it every day when I’m with the heroes here.”

“Lucky!” Alfred called out in warning.

A needle stabbed into my neck. I gasped, staring at a third arm coming out of his side. He had more than two arms? Mom hadn’t told me that.

I stumbled backwards, my vision swimming, Copyright 2016 - 2024