Lucky Strike (Super Harem #1) - Catherine Banks Page 0,61

a light shone out of the front of him, displaying the picture of the monster’s spine I’d had him take.

Mother walked up to the wall, her mouth in a flat line and her brows furrowed. She reached out and touched the wall with her fingertips.

Dad walked forward and inspected it as well, then set his hand on her shoulders. “It’s him.”

She nodded, turned, and buried her face in Dad’s chest. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed.

“Who?” I asked.

“Your grandfather,” Dad whispered. “We thought he was dead, but obviously the bastard is still alive. He stole your mother’s work a few years ago, adding it to his already extensive genetic research. It wasn’t long after that that we started noticing some creatures with this type of modification in addition to genetic alterations. We attacked his base, blowing it up, and destroyed everything there, turned it into a crater. We thought we had gotten him, too, but…”

“Do you have a picture?” Tyson asked, his brows furrowed and his fists clenched at his sides.

Mom nodded, pulled out her phone, flipped through some picture albums, and then held up a picture.

My mouth went dry and it was suddenly very difficult to breathe.

My knees wobbled, and Tyson caught me with an arm around my waist.

“What is it?” Dad asked.

Mom stepped back from him to look at me.

It was him. That jerk was hiding in plain fricking sight.

“He’s…he’s the Genetics Director at the Association,” I whispered.

Mom laughed. “There’s no way he could be part of the Association. He hates them! It was his work in the beginning that almost brought them to their knees. He hates everything they stand for.”

“He’s there,” I said. “He was drugging me and taking blood samples from me when I first joined after the accident. He is still there.”

Dad began glowing slightly as his fury built. “I’m going to destroy them once and for all.”

“No,” I snapped and stood straight so I could glare up into his eyes. “You are not going to attack the Association. You’re going to hurt innocent heroes just to try to get to one man.”

“If they’re letting him test genetics, then it isn’t just him that’s the problem,” Tyson said softly.

I turned to gape at him. “Whose side are you on here?”

“I need to destroy him and all of his work,” Mom said. “He could be creating monsters far worse than the ones you’ve seen.”

“Why?” I asked. “Why would he create or modify monsters?”

“For the high,” she said and got a far off look on her face. “The joy and power you feel when you create something that didn’t exist before. That moment you feel like a god.”

“This is a problem for me to handle,” I said.

“What? No,” Tyson snapped. “He’s too dangerous and he likely knows exactly who you are since he has your DNA and has been taking samples from you.”

“I’m not going to let him continue on. I’m going to find him, kill him, and destroy his work,” I said. “I have already infiltrated them. I’m already part of the Association. It won’t take much more work for me to find his laboratory and face him.”

“He’s not weak,” Mom said. “He has his own powers.”

I smiled. “Tell me everything you know about him and let’s plan a course of attack. If need be, I can even lure him out so you guys can attack him. I’m sure we can come to an agreement that doesn’t involve you guys hurting my friends or destroying the place I live.”

Mom and Dad exchanged a long look before Dad shrugged and Mom sighed.

“Fine,” she said. “You get one chance and if you screw it up, then we get to take matters into our own hands.”

I held my hand out to her. “Deal.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

We made plans to meet up a few days later to go over everything.

My parents left, and Tyson and I returned to the garden with the others.

“Everything alright?” Austin asked when I sat beside him.

“Nope,” I said, letting the p sound make a pop as I said it. “Later, though, okay?”

He reached over, squeezed my hand, and nodded. “When you’re ready.”

I took my seat at the head of the table with Tyson at the other end. Austin sat to my right with Hurricane and Vortex beside him. Alura sat on my left with Crystal beside her and Black Hole and Tremor beside them.

“Lunch is served,” Marvin said and came out pushing a multilevel cart with covered platters.

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