Lucky Strike (Super Harem #1) - Catherine Banks Page 0,42

you recover from,” she said. She tapped Alfred on the top and then held him out to me. “Make your boyfriend here add some titanium plating to the outside to help reduce the likelihood that you’ll electrocute it again. Also, I’m very glad our lessons seeped into your thick skull and you even thought to steal his power to try to kill your dad. If only you’d been successful, I could praise you more.”

“You want her to kill your husband?” Tyson asked.

“No, but it would have been impressive if she had been able to,” Mom said.

“Mom, why are you here? Honestly?” I asked, taking a step closer, putting myself between Tyson and her.

“You need to leave the Hero Association,” she said and glared. “Or else.”

I rolled my eyes. “Dad already threatened me.”

“Well, you didn’t listen. So, I’m here to tell you to leave.”

Mom was more ruthless than Dad, so I totally believed her threat.

“I can’t,” I whispered. “I won’t.”

“Last warning, Daughter.

“Do not threaten me,” I snapped. “You gave me up, remember? You lost your parenting abilities when you dropped me off at the orphanage.”

She sighed, tapped Alfred, and he began flying above her. “Take her out.”

Alfred’s guns popped out of his sides and aimed at me.

Tyson scoffed. “Please, you think I’m some hack? You wound me.” He tapped the face of his watch and Alfred spun around, aiming at my mom. “Now, let’s hear why you’re adamant about Lucy leaving the Association.”

Mom glared at him, made typing movements in the air, and a dozen drones the size of baseballs uncloaked and aimed their weapons at us. “Do not threaten me, child.”

“Mom!” I yelled. “Knock it off. This is so ridiculous. What the shit do you actually want?”

“Leave the Association, or I blow your boyfriend up into little pieces,” she threatened.

Tyson rolled his eyes again, waved his hand and two dozen drones the size of basketballs uncloaked. “Your tricks are boring.”

Mom glared at him.

“Tyson, stop antagonizing her!” I snapped. “I am trying to save my bedroom.” The last thing I needed was them having an epic showdown that cost me my brand new bedroom.

“Your bedroom?” Mom asked. “He gave you your own room?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

She looked around the room, her eyes softened, and she typed in the air again. Instantly, her drones cloaked and disappeared from view. “Maybe I was wrong about you, Tyson.”

“What?” I asked, gaping at her.

“He gave you your own room, so you could escape him if needed. He understands the need for solitude, even from someone you love. Not many men understand that,” she said. “I had to beat that into your dad for years before he finally understood. It’s not about not wanting to spend time together. It’s about needing some time to clear your mind and free yourself from everything.”

“Exactly,” Tyson said. “To empty your mind from the constant pressure of your day’s events and just exist in your head.”

Mom smiled and nodded. “Yes! There’s so much stimuli outside of us that we have to absorb and so many let it overwhelm them because they don’t understand.”

“Precisely!” Tyson yelled, smiling wide.

I looked back and forth between my smiling boyfriend and smiling mother. My frown was deeper than ever before. “Mom, get out.”

She sighed. “We need to talk first.”

“About what?” I asked and crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m not leaving the Association. I love it and I won’t reveal who you are.”

“Your dad is dying,” she said and then choked on a sob. “I can’t…nothing I’ve tried is curing it. I don’t know what it is. The stupid human doctors and super doctors don’t know what it is.”

“Bring him here,” Tyson said.

“What?” Mom and I asked at the same time.

“I will examine him,” Tyson said.

I grabbed his arm, held my finger up to Mom and said, “Excuse us, one moment.” Before he could open his stupid mouth anymore, I dragged him into the other room, stepped away and hissed, “Are you fucking mad? You are not inviting my father over here.”

“If I can save his life, I will,” he said.

“Tyson, he tried to kill us!” I screamed.

“I tried to kill you several times,” he whispered and pushed hair behind my ear.

“You never would have killed me,” I whispered back.

He chuckled. “Called my bluff. Still, I don’t see why it hurts to try to save his life.”

“He is a villain!”

“So am I,” Tyson whispered.

What was happening? Why was this happening?

“Please,” Mom whispered behind us. “Please, Violet.”

I rubbed a hand over my face and sighed. This Copyright 2016 - 2024