Luca's Bad Girl - By Amy Andrews Page 0,20

stare. ‘You going to go all Neanderthal on me, Luca?’

Luca pushed off the bench and moved towards her. ‘Not at all. I am a highly evolved Sicilian. I like a woman who knows what she wants.’

Mia watched him prowl closer and felt that ache intensify. How was it possible to look sexy and menacing all at the same time?

He stopped in front of her, close, nearly touching. But not. ‘Especially one who appreciates the type of liaisons I also happen to favour.’ He dropped his gaze to her mouth for long moments before returning it to her face. ‘Where have you been all my life?’ He grinned.

It took Mia a moment to reel her body in enough to respond. Kissing him seemed the best course of action but she needed to go home.

She. Must. Go. Home.

And never come back.

Mia took a step back. ‘Goodnight, Luca. See you in the morning.’

Luca watched the sway of her hips as she made her way to the door and felt himself twitch beneath the towel. ‘I’m having a party in a couple of weeks. Everyone from work is coming. You should too.’

Mia’s hand paused on the doorknob. ‘No,’ she said, without looking back.

One thing she knew for sure was that Luca wasn’t like any other man she’d known. In a brief time he’d got firmly under her skin and she wasn’t about to lose the upper hand to him.

There wouldn’t be a next time. Certainly not a party.

Luca’s wicked chuckle mocked her as she turned the handle and slipped out of the apartment.

Evie bustled through the deserted outpatients department at seven o’clock the next evening. She’d begged a chart from Enid Kenny, the NUM of the department earlier, who’d relinquished it only after Evie had promised faithfully to personally return it before she left for the day.

Someone else might have sent a courier but not Evie. Sister Enid Kenny was an institution around The Harbour and not to be messed with! Hence the sweet note and box of chocolates she was also clutching in her hand.

She turned right, passing a row of examination rooms on her way to Enid’s office. She noticed a light on in the far office. Voices floated out. Male voices. She frowned. Who on earth was working this late?

Then, to her utter surprise, Finn stepped out, followed by Rupert Davidson. Evie faltered and dived into the nearest exam room. Recovering quickly, she cautiously peeked around the door. In the empty department their voices carried easily and she eavesdropped unashamedly.

She watched as they shook hands and Rupert said, ‘You’re entitled to a second opinion, Finn. But you know as well as I do that the conservative approach is only a sticky plaster and you can’t keep going on like this. Surgery will have to happen at some stage.’

Then Finn nodded but even from a few metres away she could see that familiar set to his unshaven jaw. ‘Thanks, Rupert. I’ll think about it.’

And then he turned and walked away in the opposite direction.

Evie fell back against the wall of the examination room, her heart pounding. What the hell had that been about? She grappled with what she’d heard and seen, trying to make sense of it.

Finn was seeing Rupert? A neurologist? You can’t keep going on like this. Was there something wrong?

She recalled the uneasy feelings she’d had for a while now that something was up with Finn, and the rumours that he’d been wounded on a tour in Afghanistan when he’d been in the army. Had he sustained injuries during his time there? Injuries that could affect his job?

Eric Frobisher, SHH’s officious medical director, would be furious if that was the case. He and Finn already butted heads on a regular basis.

Evie drummed her fingers against the chart as curiosity and concern for Finn warred within her. She told herself it was pure collegial interest. One doctor looking out for another. Even if said doctor was the most surly and unappreciative man she’d ever met.

Making a decision, Evie waited for a couple of minutes before pushing herself off the wall and heading towards her original destination. She stopped in mid-stride as she passed the last office and blinked at Rupert with what she hoped was her very best round-eyed surprise.

‘Rupert?’ she asked. ‘What are you still doing here? Burning the candle at both ends?’

Rupert, who was writing in a chart, laughed as he put down his pen. ‘No such luck. Just a late appointment.’

Evie nodded, glancing at the chart trying Copyright 2016 - 2024