Luca (Hunting Her) - Eden Summers Page 0,61

like shit that you don’t know how to react any other way.”

I cock my head, blinking as I hold his gaze.

Maybe that’s it.

Maybe that’s exactly it.

I want to be happy. The euphoria and bliss were everything in the heat of the moment, then as soon as thoughts had the time to fester, they turned the light to dark. “How did you know?”

He gives a sad smile. “’Cause I’m brilliant.”

“No, really. How did you know?”

“Trauma has a lot of shitty bonus prizes that tend to bite you on the ass when you least expect it.”

“You know from experience.” It’s not a question. I can see it in his eyes.

“I know enough. But none of that matters now. Let’s get you back to bed.”

I want to pry, to learn the parts of him he keeps hidden. I want to know everything there is about this man. “Will you tell me about your experience?”

“Sure. If you stick around long enough.” He winks and takes my hand, leading me to the hall. “For now, though, you need to get some rest.”



She settles into her side of the mattress, her silhouette unmoving beside me.

Even in the shadows she’s becoming easier to read.

Back in Greece, she hid everything—her thoughts, emotions, reactions. Now it’s as if she’s a written text, understood and deciphered from the slightest cadence change to her breathing.

“Get over here.” I reach for her, dragging her into the middle of the bed.

She lets out a gasp of shock, but there’s no protest. She comes willingly, draping her arm over my chest. Maybe her escape attempt was a blessing in disguise. Or it could’ve been, if she hadn’t almost died.

We wouldn’t be here otherwise.

She wouldn’t be mine.

In my room.

In my arms.

But she’s quiet. Too quiet. That isn’t a good sign.

“What’s on your mind, Pen.”

“You’re tired,” she whispers. “There’s all the time in the world to talk tomorrow.”

“I don’t need sleep. And apparently, neither do you. So spit it out.”

She chuckles, subtle and breathy.

It’s so fucking good to hear that sound from her. The comfort after all the pain.

“It’s nothing.” She rakes a finger over my pec, her touch pausing on scars. “I was only thinking that I don’t know a whole lot about you.”

“You’re thinking that now? Isn’t it a little late to be having cold feet?” I add humor to my tone to hide my apprehension.

I’m all in with this thing between us. Balls to the wall. Heart on my fucking sleeve.

I don’t want her second-guessing anything. Let alone me.

“No. It’s nothing like that. I was just thinking about all the things I know…”

“And wondering about all the things you don’t?”

“Yeah.” She nods. “I barely know anything, apart from the way you make me feel and how you like your coffee.”

“So ask.”

“Okay…” She shuffles beside me, raising on to her elbow. “Where are you from? And how did you end up here? You told me in Greece you used to be a SEAL, but never explained why you aren’t anymore. I also want to know more about your brother. And your parents—”

“That’s quite a list.” I stop her there. Deliberately. “We’ll be up until sunrise at this rate.”

I don’t see her smile. I feel it. There’s something in the air that warms with her happiness.

This Penny isn’t like the warrior I rescued from a predator. Her edges are softer. She’s more woman. Less wild, caged animal.

“I’ve barely even started.” She chuckles again. “How long have you lived here? When was your last relationship? How did you end up working for Torian?”

“My brother.” I tread carefully, wanting to get this over with before she nosedives any further into unwanted territory. “I was on a mission overseas when I found out Benji had gotten tied up with the most notorious crime family in Oregon. I dropped everything in the hopes I could pull him out before it was too late.”

“But ended up working for them instead? Did they force you? Threaten you?”

“No.” Despite her probably wanting a different answer, I tell her, “I’m here by choice.”

“You gave up being a SEAL to work for Cole Torian?”

“Not exactly. I gave up for the love of my brother. It was a case of leaving my post too often to maintain my role. And the last time was in the middle of an op. But Benji needed me, and he’s all I’ve got. I’d do anything for him. So I acted against instructions not to abandon my post. Even ignored my superior’s threats to have me court marshalled.”

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