Luca (Hunting Her) - Eden Summers Page 0,6

my wooden chairs, her coffee mug cradled in both hands, a blanket tucked around the legs cuddled up at her side.

She pastes on that fake smile at the sight of me, the bright expression still not reaching her eyes. But when Sarah steps around to stand at my side, Penny stiffens, her face falling lax in a sudden show of apprehension.

“Penny, this is Sarah.” I hike a thumb at the annoyance to my left. “She thought it was time you two finally met.”

Sarah inches forward. “It’s great to meet you. I’ve been coming over for the last few days in the hopes we could talk, but the big protective bear didn’t want me near you until you were ready.” She shrugs. “Today I pulled rank.”

“Hi.” Penny glances between us, apprehension, or maybe confusion, remaining heavy in her tight lips.

“You remember me talking about Sarah, right?” I walk closer to grab the seat beside her and pull it backward a few feet before sitting my ass down. “She’s Hunter’s fiancé.”

A spark of understanding widens her eyes. “Oh. I vaguely remember… I just didn’t realize…” She shakes her head, her brow pinched. “The last days in Greece are a blur.”

“You spoke about me?” Sarah’s voice is filled with unwarranted ego as she leans back against the deck railing. “I’m not sure if I want to know what was said.”

Penny’s cheeks blush. They actually fucking blush. All pink and sweet and shy. I wouldn’t have picked her as a timid woman, but maybe that’s who she really is beneath all the layers of damage.

“Okay, now I’m curious.” Sarah chuckles. “What did he tell you?”

Penny glances from Sarah to me, then back again. “Nothing. They were a few brief words in the middle of madness. I can’t really remember.”

Yes, she can. I can see it in the way her gaze briefly flicks to mine. The unease. The concern.

“I told her the two of you have a lot in common.” I lean back, faking relaxation in the hopes it will let her know there’s nothing to worry about. “And that I thought you both might get along.”

“What’s with the rabid blush then?” Sarah asks.

I shoot her a glare, warning her to stop pushing. “I think that might stem from my off-the-cuff comment about you being the type to slit a throat with a smile on your face.”

Her laughter returns. “Nice intro, Luca. Now her look of trepidation makes sense.”

“No, it’s not trepidation,” Penny blurts. “I’m just…” She shrugs, shrinks into herself, then sighs. “I guess I’m still a little shell-shocked. It’s been a whirlwind.”

“That’s understandable. As long as you know I’m here for you. Not him.” Sarah whacks me on the chest. “I’ve been coming over with bags of gifts the big guy has demanded I buy for you. The least he could do is introduce us, right?”


Sarah knows I’ve been holding back on giving those gifts. Why would she tell her about them? I don’t think I’m even ready to hand them over. Not when some of the items are fucking idiotic.

“I was waiting for her to be ready,” I mutter.

“You don’t have to worry about me.” Penny’s expression fills with regret. “The last thing I want to do is be more of a burden.”

“You’re not a burden,” Sarah cuts in. “You’re part of the family. And we look after our own. Fiercely…well, maybe not as fiercely as Luca, but he’s special, in a mentally unhinged kind of way.”

Penny’s lips lift. Her pleasure at my ridicule is slight, but beautiful.

So fucking beautiful.

“Tell me more about this unhingement,” she says. “Us mentally challenged people need to stick together.”

I know she’s only trying to be a part of the conversation, and yeah, I chuckle to encourage more of her involvement. But Jesus, I hate her being down on herself. It makes me want to shake her even more.

“Well, that’s my cue to leave.” I grab the armrests, waiting for a protest from Penny to keep me in place. “If you’re going to talk about me I’d prefer you do it behind my back.”

Her eyes flash. Her lips part.

“Good. Go.” Sarah shoos me with a wave of her hand. “It’s time for some girl talk.”

I remain poised to move, waiting, wordlessly demanding Penny to ask for help.

Just tell me to stay.

Ask me to protect you.

“Go on,” Sarah demands. “Get going.”

I pause for one more second. Two. But when Pen doesn’t speak, I give up.

“You sure know how to make a guy feel special.” I push from my Copyright 2016 - 2024