Luca (Hunting Her) - Eden Summers Page 0,115

his arm wrapping around my waist. “I watched you with another man,” he growls in my ear. “I saw him place his hands on something that’s mine. Do you understand how that made me feel?”

I close my eyes and force myself to remember that moment. The bliss. The warmth.

Luca is always the light in the darkness. The protection in the face of my fears. I can’t forget the strength he’s given me.

“I got a front row seat to the way you looked at him,” he snarls. “That’s why it’s important you watch what comes next.”

“You won’t kill him,” I whisper. “He’s smarter than you.”

“Really? You don’t think I’ve taken the time to prepared to take down your SEAL? I killed Abi and got away with it. You should’ve seen her, all meek and vulnerable in her childhood bed. With her parents close by, she didn’t dare to raise her voice to me. It was all tears and whispered pleas as I slit her wrists. She made it so fucking easy to creep out of there unnoticed. I would’ve done the same with Nina, but I needed a little more excitement. I decided to shoot that bitch instead.”

I sink my teeth into my lower lip, battling the need to release the screaming voices inside my head. To kick. To attack. I bite until I taste blood and bile. I clench my fists until I’ve gained enough control to turn in his grip and face him.

“But you failed.” I hold his gaze, his nose bare inches from mine. “You didn’t kill Nina and now she’s more protected than ever.”

His eyes narrow. “Bullshit.”

I smile through the hatred. “Luther would be disappointed in you.”

There’s a second of hesitation. A small bite of stillness before he lashes out, grabbing my throat in a choking grip.

I grasp at his wrist, attempting to break the hold as I struggle for air. I can’t remember what to do. There’s no memory of what Luca taught me before I’m shoved backward into the window.

“Don’t worry, Pen. I’ll fix my mistake. I might even make you join in.”

I gasp for breath as footsteps creep down the hall, alerting me to another threat. I tilt my head, trying to get a gauge on this second enemy that lurks in the darkness.

“That’s right. I’m not alone.” He grins. “And I have the best leverage to take down everyone responsible for ruining my life.”

“You’re wrong. I’m not a big enough draw card to pull anyone into a trap.”

“I agree. You’re worthless.” He bridges the space between us, pulling me close to kiss my jaw, my cheek, making my skin crawl. “That’s why I made sure I had something far greater than a whore to make them fall to their knees.”

“Like what?”

“You’ll find out.” There’s confidence in his gaze, a gleaming assurance capable of sending a shiver down my spine. “For now, let’s get you down to the kitchen.”

He clasps a hand around my wrist, his grip directly above the leather cuff I’d completely forgotten.

I release a sob at my failure.

After everything Luca taught me, I couldn’t break from a choke hold, and didn’t even remember my weapon. Nothing has changed. I’m just as careless and ignorant as when I was first taken.

The only difference is that I now refuse to give up. I won’t let him win when he plans to hurt Luca.

I’d give my life for the man who saved me.

My soul.

“Come on.” He tugs me toward the door. “I have a fresh length of rope that’s going to look perfect against your skin.”



Torian keeps his weapon trained between Benji’s eyes. “I can stay like this for however long necessary. We all know as soon as one of the guards watching this block stumbles upon the asshole with a gun to my head, they’ll take you out.”

He’s right. I’ve been lucky so far but that luck will soon run out. “He’s my brother. He’s yours, too.”

“He’s no brother of mine.”

Benji raises his hands in surrender. “There’s no excuse for what I’ve done. But let me explain. Let me tell you why.”

“I know why. Money. For fucking pieces of paper, you greedy shit.”

“Torian, I’ve had enough. I’m done here.” Hunter lowers his weapon and walks to Benji’s side. “We can’t do this. Not out in the open. We have to move this somewhere else.”

Torian doesn’t budge.

“I’m serious,” Hunter growls. “You’re angry. And for good reason. But whatever’s going on in that head of yours can’t happen in a public place. You also need Copyright 2016 - 2024