Luca (Hunting Her) - Eden Summers Page 0,110


“I’ll take care of it.” Sarah comes up behind her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to lead her away.

Penny’s first step is fumbled, her feet stumbling before she sucks in a deep breath and continues on her own. Everything in her expression speaks of sorrow, the pain marrow deep, but I remain quiet, stiff, my focus returning to the group as the two women climb into my car and slam the doors.

“Someone better start talking,” Torian warns. “I want to know what the fuck is going on.”

“Color me curious, too,” Hunt drawls. “The suspense is killing me.”

Benji keeps his mouth shut as Sarah drives from the parking lot, the purr of the second car starting moments later.

It’s Layla who crumples as she turns to face her brother. “It was a misunderstanding. I thought he was cheating on me.”



Not this bullshit again.

I fight a telling reaction. I force myself not to close my eyes at the compounding lies. I use all my strength to hold back a sneer. But the weight of Decker’s gaze bores into me from the top of the steps. He’s reading me, his narrowed stare demanding the truth.

“I’ve set her straight.” Benji wraps an arm around his wife’s waist. “She was paranoid with me being away too long.”

“Is that right?” Torian straightens to his full height, all regal and superior. “Why do I have a feeling you’re lying?”

“I swear on my life, I’m not cheating on her.” Benji holds up a hand in surrender. “I never would.”

I mentally scoff. His life isn’t worth dick. Cheating or not.

“Layla,” Torian warns. “Tell me the truth.”

“I am.” Her throat works over a heavy swallow, her guilt clear for everyone to see. “He’s not cheating.”

“Shit. This is serious.” Hunt inches closer. “What’s going on? And why wasn’t I involved?”

“Stay out of this,” I warn. “The last thing this night needs is your commentary.”

“Touchy much?”

“Quit the shit.” Torian raises his voice. “You realize this neighborhood is being watched, right? I told you all I’d have men everywhere. Did you think about that when you were having your domestic argument out in the open air?”

He’s bluffing.

“Do you want to know the updates texted to me while I was inside trying to entertain our guests?” he continues. “Want me to show you?”

They’re lies.

We kept our voices down. The guard in the silver sedan would’ve only seen the fight. Nobody would’ve heard us. But fuck. I wouldn’t stake my life on it.

Everyone falls silent as I struggle to come up with a plan. I need to get Benji out of here. We only need a head start.

“You look tense, Luc.” Torian’s tone is threatening. “Want me to take a guess at why?”

“I fucked up.” Benji speaks before I get the chance. “Luca’s not involved.”

“Shut your mouth,” I warn.

“It’s true.” He straightens, raising his chin. “I need to take responsibility.”

“I said, shut the fuck up, Ben.” I glare at him.

“Please, Benji.” Layla grabs his wrist. “We’ll talk about this at home.”

“No, you’ll talk about it here.” Torian steps closer to my brother. “Now.”

“He stole money,” I mutter. “He stole money from me and I’m pissed. That’s all this is—a family matter. It’s nobody else’s business.”

“No, fuck that.” Benji holds Torian’s stare. “I betrayed you. I went behind your back and—”

Before the sentence is finished, Cole pulls a gun from his waistband and places the barrel to my brother’s forehead.

I don’t move, not an inch, as Layla screams, the piercing shriek slicing through my throbbing skull.

“Keep talking,” Torian sneers.

“I was a rat for your father.”

“No.” Layla falls to her knees, her manic sobs increasing. “It was me. I did this. I made this mess.”

Torian’s aim doesn’t waiver from Benji’s head as I take in my potential opponents—Hunter with his chest puffed out, his fingers twitching at his sides, and Decker whose face is emotionless, not a hint of anger.

“I need everyone to calm down.” I step closer to Benji only to have Hunter’s attention snap to me.

“Back off.” He points a finger at me in warning. “Stay out of this.”

“I can’t.” I shake my head. “He’s my brother—”

“He’s going to be your dead brother if he doesn’t start talking a lot faster.” Torian jabs the gun barrel into Benji. “Spill it all, you son of a bitch.”

“It was me.” Layla tugs on his trousers. “I caused this. I begged him to do it. Dad made me believe—”

“Don’t worry. I already assumed Luther convinced you I was worthless,” Torian snarls. “You had no faith in me.”

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