Luca (Hunting Her) - Eden Summers Page 0,108

phone taps and spy software.”

Fuck. “Phone taps and spy software?”

Layla hangs her head, but Benji lacks the same remorse. He holds my gaze, unblinking.

“He was like a father to me,” he mutters. “A proper father. He saved me. Guided me. He gave me the chance to have a family, for once in my life. To have money and power and pride. I was a fucking man, no longer needing you and your white knight routine to save me from myself.”

I scoff. “Well, there’s no fucking white knight to save you now, is there? Nothing can help you this time.”

“You don’t need to.” Layla lunges forward, reaching for me, her fingers gripping my jacket as those eyes continue to beg. “Cole doesn’t need to know.”

I huff out a laugh. “And I guess Penny doesn’t deserve to find out either? She doesn’t get to learn how Abi really died.”

Neither one of them speak. Both remain silent while I compound their crimes.

“That’s how your scheme got fucked up, right? Robert got involved? You gave him information,” I sneer at my brother, all vicious teeth and seething hatred. “Tell me you gave him insight on Penny. Tell me and I’ll end this now.”

He doesn’t answer, and I don’t pause in my response. I nudge Layla out of the way with my shoulder and swing a fist, my knuckle pounding into Benji’s gut.

He hunches, coughing, spitting.

Layla wails, her ragged breaths pathetic when coupled with her corruption.

I lean close to my brother’s ear as he clasps his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. “Tell me.”

“Fuck you,” he chokes. “I didn’t tell him jack shit about her.”

“You’re a liar.” I see red. I feel it. There’s only heat and rage and mindlessness as I raise my fist again.

“Stop, Luca,” Layla cries. “Please. He didn’t give any information to Robert. It wasn’t him. I did it. I told Robert where they were.”

My brother pauses his recovery, the shock on his raising face seeming genuine as he looks at his wife. “No, you didn’t.” He shakes his head. “You wouldn’t.”

“I didn’t have a choice. He threatened to tell Cole everything. And you kept refusing to give him information. You thought you could handle it on your own. You were going to get yourself killed.”

“She’s lying.” Benji looks at me. “She had no idea where I was. Nobody did. But it’s true about that fucker threatening us. He’s going to tell everyone. That’s why I was late yesterday. I was trying to find him and fix this myself.”

I glance between them, having no clue which one is bluffing. “I swear to God, if I don’t get the full story, without contradictory bullshit, I’m going to lose my shit.”

“I already told you.” Layla’s tear-soaked eyes plead with me. “I had Benji’s location on my phone. I always do.”

“Like hell,” he spits. “I was using a burner.”

“Yes, but you had your main cell with you. In your bag or the car. I don’t know where exactly, but it was with you, Benji. I’m not lying.” The first tear escapes as her lips tremble. “I did this. I’m responsible for that woman’s death. And for the attack yesterday. It’s my fault.”

I stare at her. At the beautiful face that hid those sinister actions.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Benji collapses against the wall. “Why the fuck—”

“Because you wouldn’t have given him what he wanted. You were more likely to come clean to Cole,” she sobs. “I had no choice. I did it to protect Stella.”

“You did it to protect yourself,” I snap. “To protect your perfect fucking life in your perfect fucking house—”

Benji straightens, shoving from the wall to pull Layla into his side. “What’s it matter? The damage is done now. We need to move on. We can bury this.”

“Bury it?” My head fucking throbs. “And then what? Wait for Robert to come after Penny?”

He scoffs. “You barely know her.”

I gnash my teeth to the point of pain. Clench my fists until my knuckles burn. I could kill him. Right now. In this moment. I could retrieve the gun from my waistband and shoot him for his blatant disregard for her life.

“This is my family, Luc. My daughter.”

“If you tell her, it’s one more loose end,” Layla pleads. “If Cole finds out, he won’t hold me accountable. He’ll blame everything on Benji. He won’t care that it was my fault.”

“That’s because your husband is a grown-ass man who never should’ve done this in the first place. Now tell me what Copyright 2016 - 2024