Loving York (Warwick Dragons #2) - Milly Taiden Page 0,54

to her, and if York saw Steiner hurting her, there was no telling what her mate might do.

More than that, she couldn’t let York lose another mate.

She had to survive. No matter what.

For York.

Steiner kicked at her legs, and she lost her footing. This time, she made sure not to drop her hold on the gun. She kicked Steiner, hard. So hard, one of her flats went flying out of the chopper. Steiner followed the shoe with his eyes, and Josie used his momentary lack of focus to push him out of the helicopter with one hard shove. He shifted to his snake form as he flew out of the helicopter.

“Snakes don’t swim!” she shouted down at him, even though there was little to no chance that he would hear her over the helicopter.

That wasn’t strictly true. Snakes could swim, but so far out in the water, Steiner would exhaust himself. They would have to comb the water to find him, but at least he wouldn’t be able to hurt her.

“Ah, shit,” Josie roared. “We need him alive,” she said to no one in particular.

Steiner had shifted mid-fall and landed in the water in a very human shape. Still, he would be slow with his injured arm. Besides, a human would be much easier to spot than a slithering snake in the waves, so it was to her benefit. They did need him alive, though. So, despite her instincts to leave the snake to his own survival, Josie threw a small perry buoy into the water. Hopefully, that would make Steiner easier to spot and retrieve if he wanted to survive. She couldn’t leave him out there. Not if she wanted her life back.

The deal was Steiner for a clean record.

Josie pointed the gun to the pilot. “Here’s what’s going to happen. We are going to fish that fucker out of the water, and then we’re going back to the beach. No matter what he says. I’m working for Interpol.” It was technically not a lie.

The pilot looked down at the ocean where his boss had fallen. He knew he was shit out of luck, or so Josie hoped.

“He’ll kill me,” the man said.

“Bitch, I’ll kill you. Bring me back to the beach. Now.”

Josie felt like an absolute badass, especially when the pilot pointed to a long rope that was coiled on the inside of the helicopter. They hovered the craft over Steiner until he grabbed hold of the cable. It took all of Josie’s strength to reel him back into the chopper.

Steiner laid on the floor of the helicopter, weeping and clutching his hand.

Josie kept the gun on him. “Now you know I mean business,” she told him before turning toward the pilot. “Bring me back to the beach,” she commanded.

The beach was an ugly sight which made her stomach clench. As soon as the helicopter was down on the ground, she leapt out and raced toward a very naked York. His arm was seriously injured, and he was covered in blood and soot. She hugged him close, not even seeing that there were people all over the beach, their guns trained on her.

“I was just about to fly to find you when I saw the helicopter coming back. I figured you had it under control. And they wouldn't exactly let me leave.” With his chin, he pointed to the millions of agents that now covered the beach like ants.

“Well, well, Mr. Warwick,” an elegant woman said as she made her way toward them. “This isn’t exactly the scene we were hoping to find when your man Armstrong called us in.”

York stiffened in Josie’s arms. “Things went sideways, Agent Porath. I’m sure you can appreciate that even the best of plans don’t always go as you’d hoped.”

“I’ll say.” The agent’s eyes scanned the beach where three bodies were laying, and a fourth was being handcuffed. “I don’t see Steiner.”

“He’s in the chopper, crying like a little baby. I accidentally dropped him into the ocean with only one functioning arm.” Josie said with a shrug. York gave her a questioning look, but she waved him off. She would explain later.

“And you are?” Agent Porath asked.

“Don’t answer that, love,” York ordered. “Go get Steiner, Agent Porath. Our business transaction is done.”

The agent shouted at a few of the others on the beach, who ran toward the chopper. They quickly cuffed the pilot and dragged him to the large black van that had been driven straight onto the beach. Steiner, with his

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