Loving York (Warwick Dragons #2) - Milly Taiden Page 0,51

was short out of patience.

Thankfully, it was just then that the sound of helicopter blades, cutting through the air, resounded over the sound of the beach’s waves. York didn’t even bother hiding his grin of triumph. Steiner had played right into their hands. The snake had brought a flying mode of transportation, because he had no idea Josie had a dragon on her side. York could outfly the contraption, no problem.

“You were right,” Armstrong said. “He did fly in.”

They had hardly given him any option, but that had been part of the genius of the plan. There would, literally, be nowhere for the snake to run—or fly.

Josie shielded her face against the whipping sand as the chopper landed close to her. Steiner jumped down, quickly followed by four guards. Even from so far away, York could tell there were three jaguars and one bear. That had been another bonus at forcing Steiner’s hand at using a helicopter.

It severely limited the amount of muscle he could bring with him.

Steiner had a whole army of shifters on the payroll, but he could hardly bring ten of them with him on his helicopter. Four guards wasn’t ideal, but he and Armstrong were two dragons. It would be a reasonably fair fight. He wasn’t cocky, but dragons were much larger than the other shifters.

“Just remember,” he told Armstrong, “we need to prove that those jaguars are Nolans. That’s the only way we’ll pinch Lewis and his pack for his betrayal.”

“Of course,” Armstrong responded.

From the beach, York heard Josie taunting Steiner for his choice of ride. “Couldn’t you be any less inconspicuous?”

The snake didn’t bite out any response, instead, he hissed at her. “Where is the vase?” Steiner asked.

Josie lifted her purse. “It’s in here. But first, I want an assurance that you won’t blackmail me again.”

Steiner’s laugh was an ugly sound, echoing across the empty beach to set York’s teeth on edge. “Oh, so you’re not as dumb as I thought you were. You did catch on that I was going to use you. Sorry, sweetheart, you’re on the payroll now. Except, you won’t be getting paid. Your reward will be knowing that sweet grandma and your idiot best friend don’t meet a tragic end.”

Josie crossed her arms over the bag. “Then you’re not getting this.”

“We’ll see,” Steiner said, his snake tongue lashing out from between his thin lips.

York was having a hard time keeping steady as both he and Armstrong crawled through the line of tall grass that bordered the beach. They couldn’t move too much now that the chopper shut down. If the grass moved, there was no doubt that the four guards would race toward them.

“Give me the bag,” Steiner commanded.

“No, not until you swear that you won’t blackmail me anymore.”

His mate was nervous. He could sense it.

This is a bad idea, his dragon insisted. Let me eat the snake. Then we won’t have any problems.

That was hardly true, and the beast knew it.

“Steady,” he warned his dragon as much as himself. They had to take it nice and easy to make sure Josie was always within reach and safe.

The crack of a gun made a few birds take off, frightened by the sound. It went off again and again in their direction. One of the guards had fired on them, no doubt seeing the grass move as York and Armstrong made their approach. York didn’t know how, but he chalked it up to pure paranoia on Steiner and his staff’s part.

He turned toward Armstrong, smelling the iron tang of blood on the air.

“Ouf,” Armstrong panted beside him. The bullets had found themselves square into his chest—all six of them.

“Fuck,” York growled low. “None of those are fatal, you’ll be fine.” Not for a shifter, at least. “Just stay here, I’ll go take care of this.”

“No,” Armstrong groaned. “Call Agent Porath. You’re outnumbered now.”

York shook his head. “Steiner would like to think that.”

Before he was even done his thought, York let his shift take hold of his body. His hands were replaced by large talons, and pain ripped his back apart as he sprouted his wings.

Steiner was backing away from him, his gun pointing toward Josie’s side. The purse had fallen and tipped to the side, the vase shattered in the warm sand.

“Don’t point that thing at me,” Josie roared as she struggled against Steiner.

York didn’t hear what else happened next.

His vision was suddenly filled with three jaguars and a bear who were barreling toward him at top speed. He flapped

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