Loving York (Warwick Dragons #2) - Milly Taiden Page 0,49

“It’s all our asses if the bosses know we’re breaking the rules. Even with the significant others. I’ll have to check with Mr. Warwick about this.”

Josie could have kissed the old man, he had done so well. Jordyn walked with her to the elevators, cooing over the bag.

“I’ll let Mr. Warwick know that you’re in the building. He has a very important meeting, but I will try to give him an in to leave early, so he can check on you.” Jordyn winked as if she were helping the young couple shirk their duties to hook-up.

Not steal something from the bank York owned.

Jordyn knew York wasn’t in his office at all. He was halfway to the Hamptons, getting ready for the final part of the plan.

“You’re the sweetest, Jordyn. Thanks so much.”

Josie boarded the elevator, scanning the keycard before pushing down on the button that would lead her to the subterranean floors. She avoided looking up to the security camera that was installed in the corner. She tried to be as nonchalant as possible, but it was hard. She knew that if Steiner had some fellows on the payroll, they would be watching the security screens closely now that she had managed to sneak a bag into the safes.

It was with shaky legs and trembling hands that Josie started doing her work. Or at least, pretending to. She dropped her purse in the dead zone, the one York had shown her when they had been passionately making out. Josie tried not to stare at the clock, but it was hard. She’d been on so many heists, but this was different. The stakes were that much higher, and she didn’t want to fuck things up.

Her life depended on it in more ways than she could count.

When noon rolled around, she knew that there was a guard shift switchover at the security desk. A few of the guys would leave for lunch or be done with their shifts for the day. It was crucial that she make it as believable as possible, as heists went. Not one single doubt could be raised for Steiner, or their whole plan would tumble down to nothing. Without getting Steiner, Interpol was going to arrest her, and any chance she had of having those cute little babies with York would evaporate.

Josie pulled the vase Steiner wanted out from one of the larger safes. It was a beautiful piece that had been well preserved over the years. But York was right, there was nothing special about it. Museums all across the world had similar ones. Even the pattern that decorated the edges was basic for the eleventh century. It was clear that Steiner really did want to use this as a test to see if she could successfully steal from the Warwick Bank.

She carried the vase to the table where a few other items were laying in wait to be cataloged. She pretended to look for her pen, looking around the table and on the ground. It was cleverly tucked into her pants, but the sleight of hand would never have been caught by the cameras. Especially not during a shift change at lunchtime. Josie retrieved her purse from the corner, plopping it down on the table with a fake grumble about disappearing pens. She riffled through the bag, her back shielding the purse and vase from view.

It took but one second to place the vase inside the bag, but she grabbed the pen that was laying in the very bottom, raising it overhead.

“Ah-ha!” She cried out in victory. She pushed the purse farther down the table, and she continued logging some pieces for about thirty minutes.

By one o’clock, Josie had replaced all of the Warwick items in the safes, and she was making her way back up the elevator.

This was it.

The moment of truth when she would literally walk out of the bank with an eleventh-century vase with no one the wiser.

Well, apart from the owner of the vase and the bank.

“Have a good afternoon,” Vern said to her with a warm smile as she dropped off her keycard to him.

“You, too, Vern. I’ll be in tomorrow again,” she added for good measure for the other guards that were monitoring the screens.

Josie could have sworn that one of the men was eying her with particular interest, but she cast out the thought. She was just being paranoid. With one final wave to Vern, Josie made her way to the exit.

It happened quickly and without any incident.

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