Loving Dallas - Caisey Quinn Page 0,36

is suddenly sounding a whole lot more appealing. And necessary.

17 | Dallas


“Yeah, well, some days that would be an improvement.”

“You all right, Garrison? The man gettin’ you down?”

Gavin huffs out a breath and then I hear him tell someone in the background to hang on a fucking minute. Okay then. Clearly he isn’t hanging out with my sister at the moment. Or he has a death wish.

“I’m fine. Working at the Tavern. Still trying to get shit handled with my probation officer. I can’t really talk right now. But hit me up later. We’ll grab a drink when you’re in town.”

“It’ll be almost two months before the tour hits Texas. Quick question.”


“Robyn works for the tour sponsor. I saw her. I’ll be seeing a lot of her actually.”

“No shit?”

“No shit,” I confirm.

Gavin laughs. “And you’re asking me for advice about Robyn? I know as much about relationships as I do—”

“No. That’s not what I’m asking about.” Though a part of me does wonder if he could give me some insight into why she blew me off after our night together, I know it’s best if I appreciate it for what it was and let it go. I’m partially relieved she never responded to my texts because the last thing I need to be on this tour is distracted. I’m partially pissed-off, too, but I’m ignoring that part of me.

“You’re losing me.”

I huff out a breath while doing a quick check of the bus to make sure it’s empty. “That’s not the issue exactly. The problem is I’m also running into some of my former . . .” I don’t know what to call them without being disrespectful.

“Questionable choices?”


Gavin chuckles low into the phone. “I bet, Big Timer. Probably coming at you by the truckload these days.”

“If it was funny I’d be laughing. I’m serious here. I don’t want to be known as the manwhore of country music.”

“I don’t mean to be dick, D. But really, what did you expect? This is the reason half the guys we know play music.”

“That include you, Garrison?” Dude who swears he loves my sister but has yet to tell me if he’s seen her.

“Nah. For me it’s about channeling aggression so I don’t walk around beating the fuck out of people on a daily basis. But for most guys, it’s about pussy. Period.”

“Well, I’m not most guys.” Why do I have to keep reminding people of this? Do I have “Johnny Guitar Player” tattooed on my fucking forehead?

“Right. So what’s the question exactly?”

“When you run into your . . . questionable choices, what do you do about it? How do you let them know you’re no longer interested without coming off like an asshole?”

Gavin laughs again. “There’s one major difference between you and me that you forgot to consider when consulting me for advice.”

“What’s that?”

“I don’t give a flying fuck who thinks I’m an asshole.”

“I can think of one girl we both know who adamantly swears you’re not an asshole.”

“You obviously haven’t spoken to your sister lately. Look, man, I gotta get back to work. Keeping a job is part of my probation arrangement.”

“Hold up. Why? What happened to make Dixie change her mind? I thought you were running off into the sunset together and that’s why your ass isn’t on this tour with me.”

“It’s complicated, brother. Right now, she isn’t exactly speaking to me.”

I knew that was a possibility once he’d told her what happened while she was in college in Houston, but I figured they’d work it out eventually. “Christ, Garrison. Am I going to have to beat your ass when I come to town?”


“I’ll take that as a maybe. Six weeks, man. I’ll be there in six weeks. You should probably get your shit straight with Dixie before I get there.”

“And here I thought you called me for advice.”

“That’s not advice. Or even a suggestion. You really care about her like you swore to me you did, then you do whatever it takes.”

“Working on it,” he says before I hear someone yelling at him to get the fuck back inside.

“Don’t get fired. I’ll hit you up later.”


After I disconnect the call I promptly dial my sister’s number.

She doesn’t pick up so I leave her a voice mail asking her to call me. She’s going to be pissed that I didn’t tell her Gavin was home. But I thought he was going to tell her. I thought he was getting his life together

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