Loverboy (The Company #2) - Sarina Bowen Page 0,108

some pretty great drugs.”

He pins me with those cool eyes. “You don’t understand. I came over to your apartment to tell you that we weren’t over. And I said it was because we were having so much fun. I don’t know why I had to be locked into a basement with a weapons-grade poisonous gas to be able to say this. But I love you. And I want us to be together.”

GUNNAR LOVES US! my hormones shout.

“Honey …” I pull one of those coffees Teagan sent me out of the bag and open the lid, because I need coffee for this conversation. “Don’t try to plan your life twenty minutes after waking up from your gunshot wound surgery.”

“Aw.” He reaches out a bandaged hand and catches my cheek. “I promised myself that if I got out of that basement, I’d tell you how I really feel.”


“But nothing. Sometimes a guy needs to have a reckoning moment to get his priorities in order. Tell you what. I’ll get myself back into shape and then ask you again. Looks like I’m not going back to California anytime soon. I’m trapped here with you, baby. Use me.” He gives me flirty eyes, and then—my weakness—that loverboy smile.

“Damn you for being hot even when you’re in a hospital bed.”

Gunnar reaches up to fiddle with his hospital gown, tugging the halves apart a little.

“What are you doing?”

“This part of me doesn’t have any holes in it. So I’m using my best assets to convince you.” He takes a sniff of the air. “Is that a cappuccino? Who made it?”

“Some guy named Rico that Max flew in to cover the pie shop.”

Gunnar lets out a bark of laughter, but it makes him cough. And he doesn’t stop until I give him another sip of water. “Rico the barista?” he asks finally. “Lots of tats? Gruff voice?”

“That’s the guy.”

“He taught me everything I know. I worked my ass off for that guy. You know why? Because I wanted to impress you. I’ve always wanted that.”

“Gunnar.” I don’t know what to do with that.

“Hey—I have a question. And I need an honest answer.”

“Okay?” I’m afraid of what it might be. I take a nice gulp of Rico’s excellent cappuccino and prepare myself.

“Tell it to me straight. Is Rico’s coffee better than mine? You always seemed to appreciate the lattes I brought you before we opened each day. But a guy needs to make sure his girl isn’t faking it.”

I choke on the coffee. “Gunnar!”

“Just taste it again and tell me if it’s better than mine. Do I have to take more lessons with Rico to convince you I’m serious about you?”

“This is the craziest conversation we’ve ever had. This coffee is excellent.” He frowns, so I hurry to finish my thought. “But it turns out that technique isn’t as important as I thought. There’s nothing quite like the sight of you—with that loverboy smile—bringing me my first cup of the day. When you used to open up the cafe, and bring me a latte?” I look over my shoulder to make sure we’re alone. “I felt it everywhere.”

Gunnar lights up like he’s just won the Stud of the Year contest. “Excellent answer, baby. But I still need to know how I stack up. Let me taste it.” He leans forward, asking for a sip.

“Seriously? You hate coffee.”

“I haven’t eaten in two and a half days, and it smells good. Just try me.”

So I hand it over.



Taking care not to spill it, I take the travel mug from Posy’s hands.

My girl is doing her best to keep it together. I can tell she’s rattled. And I probably look terrifying, with a hole in my leg and a bandaged face.

But I hold her eyes and tip the cup towards my mouth. It’s bad form to spill coffee onto your bare chest when you’re trying to woo a girl. As the cup reaches me, I get a hit of that fresh coffee smell. And then the hot liquid washes over my taste buds, treating me to a wash of slightly aromatic acidity that’s immediately softened by the creamy milk.

And it’s … Wow. “That’s delicious!”

“What?” Posy laughs. “Gunnar! You tease.”

“No, baby. I love it.” Another gulp goes down my throat, and the heat feels wonderful against my aching throat. “I haven’t had coffee since college. Maybe I should have given it more of a chance.”

“College?” Posy tilts her head to the side. “You don’t mean dining hall coffee, do you?”

“Well, sure. But Copyright 2016 - 2024