Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1) - By Unknown Page 0,93

really, to hold such a powerful position in our society, yet to be so powerless.”

Barclay shifted his attention to the council member. “Is there something else you have to add on the powers of this council? Or are you quite done?”

“Since you’re asking,” Finlay gritted, “yes, there’s more. All we do is sit, debate, and vote. But we take no decisive action. We let the guardians dance on our noses. You can’t even control your son. How do you expect to lead our race?”

The words surprised him. He’d never realized that Finlay harbored so much discontent.

“Maybe you would like to become Primus instead.”

Finlay scoffed. “I hold no such ambition.”

“Anybody else who doesn’t like the way the council operates?” He glared into the round.

Murmurs rippled through the chamber.


Aiden stood watching over Pearce’s shoulder as his friend looked at the different colored dots that moved on the digital map on the monitor in the command room.

“Everything set up?”

Pearce nodded. “I’m locked onto them. It’s time to move. I’ll send you word as soon as anybody is on the move.” He pointed at the dots. “Looks like the council meeting is just breaking up.”

“Are Enya and Logan in place?”

“Yes, they’re waiting. Time for you, Hamish, and Manus to go.”

A door opened behind them. Aiden turned to see Leila slip in, followed by Hamish. When he saw her, he felt his body fill with warmth. She smiled at him and walked toward him. Without hesitation, he put his arm around her and pulled her to his side.

“You’re back,” she whispered.

He pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead. “Not for long. We need to leave now. Pearce is the only one to stay. He’ll protect you while I’m gone.”

“Can’t I come with you?”

“No. You’re safest here. I want you nowhere near the demons.”

She pressed herself closely to him, and her gesture of trust strengthened him. Everything would be all right. He knew it in his gut.

“Let’s go!” Hamish ordered.

With a last glance at Leila, he followed Hamish out the door. Outside the portal, Manus was already waiting for them, weapons in hand.

The three of them would go to the old farmhouse where they’d been attacked by the demons earlier—but this time, they’d be lying in wait for them.

Pearce would record the council members’ movements and alert them to their positions.


Leila shivered and wrapped her arms around her torso as she watched Pearce at the console.

He cast a look over his shoulder. “Sorry, it has to be cold in here because of the computers. Why don’t you get yourself a jacket from Aiden’s room?”

“I think I’ll do that.” She walked toward the door when she heard Pearce’s chair scrape along the floor.

“But come right back. I’ve promised Aiden I’d watch out for you.”

She hesitated, wondering whether to ask the question that was bothering her. Curiosity won out. “When I arrived here, Enya said I shouldn’t be here. But isn’t this the safest place to hide your charges from the demons?”

She turned halfway and noticed how he watched her. “It is. But no humans are allowed here, because they can betray us to the demons. And if they ever find the location of our portals, they can destroy us. It was foolish for Aiden to have brought you here, I won’t deny that . . . ”

Leila sensed a hesitation in him. “There’s a ‘but,’ isn’t there?”

“There’s always a ‘but.’ The rest of us here at the compound discussed this while you were in his quarters with him. We know that Aiden will hesitate to kill you should you be influenced by the demons, but let me make it perfectly clear to you: the rest of us won’t.”

Her breath hitched at the unveiled threat. It shouldn’t surprise her, however, she had not sensed any hostility from Pearce before.

“Don’t get me wrong, we all want Aiden to be happy and you seem a nice enough woman, but if you betray our race, there’s only one course of action.”

She nodded, her vocal cords freezing. She might be a coward, but she wouldn’t betray Aiden again. After the trust he’d shown her, she knew she’d rather die than do anything to hurt him. “I understand, but I won’t betray any of you.”


Pearce turned back to his console, and Leila exited the room. As she walked through the silent hallways that were adorned with strange symbols and artwork, she suppressed the sense of foreboding that crept up her spine. She was worried about Aiden. What if this time Zoltan came back Copyright 2016 - 2024