Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1) - By Unknown Page 0,80

the same glow. It should have worn off by now, but it seemed that sharing his power with her had been more intense than even he had realized. Almost as if he hadn’t been able to control himself.

Next to him, Hamish gasped, his mouth dropping open. “She glows.” His friend pinned him with a questioning look.

Without him saying anything else, Aiden knew what he was thinking. That he had gone too far. That he’d shared something with a charge that was reserved only for the most serious of relationships.

Leila’s embarrassment was evident. Beneath her golden glow, a red blush tried to burst through. It made for a most intoxicating view. Instantly, Aiden felt himself get hard. The knowledge that as long as she was still glowing, he could trigger an orgasm in her with a simple touch, made him almost salivate.

As she walked toward them, he ran his eyes over her, remembering every inch of her delectable body, every curve, every indentation. And every moan and sigh that had crossed her luscious lips last night. Every wanton movement, every sinful touch.

“Did I hear you say that Mr. Zoltan disappeared?” she asked, addressing Hamish.

His friend gave her a curious look. “Do you know him?”

“No, but I know he wanted to see my research.”

Aiden pulled the chair next to him back, surprised at this revelation. “Tell us everything you know about him. It could be important.”

She walked to the counter to pour herself a cup of coffee. “I’ve never met him, but I don’t like him.” She sat down on the chair, making sure not to get too close to him. Clearly, she didn’t want to risk being touched by him and have an orgasm in front of Hamish.

“How come?” Hamish asked.

“He came to see Patten and demanded that I show him my research. He wanted to look over my shoulder. I told Patten it wasn’t right. But he went on about this man being a major shareholder and having every right.” She took a quick sip of her coffee. Then she looked back at him. “That’s when I erased that external hard drive with my data on it. I knew Patten could get into the safe and take it out.”

“Good instincts,” Hamish praised.

Aiden looked at her with admiration. With her decisive action, she’d prevented her data from falling into the wrong hands.

“I think he was a demon,” she added.

“Why do you think that?” He felt the urge to touch her shaking hand but refrained from it.

“Patten was waffling on about his lights burning out just when Mr. Zoltan arrived. He was quite embarrassed about it. When we escaped the massage parlor, you told me that fluorescent and neon lights would flicker and then burn out if demons were close by. Well, the overhead lights in Patten’s office were fluorescent.”

Aiden exchanged a quick look with Hamish.

“That confirms it. The demons got to Patten,” Hamish stated.

Aiden raised his hand in objection. “No, they didn’t. They may have been there earlier, but the night we found Patten’s body, the lights were working.” He looked back at Leila. “I’m assuming Patten had the lights in his office repaired before his death?”

“Yes, of course. He would have had facilities management there the next morning to change out the fluorescent tubes.”

Then she suddenly straightened her back as if remembering something. She stared at him. “Remember my lab and office? All fluorescent lights were working the night I found the safe open.”

Aiden nodded, admiring her perceptive mind. “Then the person who killed Patten and tried to steal the data was not a demon. He or she had to be human.”

“Or a Stealth Guardian,” Hamish added.

The thought hadn’t escaped Aiden. How else would the murderer have gotten past security? “Is there any other way into the building at night, other than getting past the security guard? Think, Leila, could a human have gotten in there without the security guard noticing?”

She bit her lips, contemplating his questions. “I don’t know. Max does his rounds, but the door would have been locked.”

“Another employee with access maybe?” Hamish suggested.

Leila shook her head. “No. Our access cards are restricted to daytime access only. After nine p.m., they won’t unlock any doors. Max would have been the only one to grant access.”

Aiden had expected the answer, but didn’t like it. It made a betrayal by a Stealth Guardian much more likely. Yet, he had to face the facts. Hamish had warned him.

“Okay, then we’ve got two things to do: find Zoltan. He’s obviously been Copyright 2016 - 2024