Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1) - By Unknown Page 0,52

now, knowing that sleep wasn’t to be had anyway, not when she felt all riled up.

Her eyes perused the doors she passed, ignoring those that had numbers on them. Clearly those were the rooms the prostitutes used. Turning around the corner, she reached a dead end. The three doors without numbers were closed. She perceived a faint scent of coffee and guessed that one of them had to be the kitchen, just as Manus had said.

She listened for any sound, but it was quiet. Reaching for the first door, she turned the doorknob and pushed the door inwards.

Semidarkness greeted her and froze her into place. This was clearly not the kitchen, because the dish that was being served up on the massage table in the middle of the room, was too rich for her liking.

A naked man lay on his back while a young woman dressed in nothing but a see-through caftan bent between his legs and licked whipped cream off his cock. At the same time another woman was bent over his head, her breasts, which were also covered in whipped cream, dangling over his mouth.

When the man sucked one breast into his mouth and suckled on it with much gusto, a gasp escaped her. Instantly, the two women whirled their heads in Leila’s direction.

Her hands shaking, she yanked the door shut. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment, and her heart raced at the thought of what the threesome was doing.

Damn it, this wasn’t a place she wanted to be at. This wasn’t her life.

Behind her a door opened. She spun around, her nerves already on edge. A young woman stepped from the room, a steaming cup of coffee in her hands. She smiled briefly and walked past without saying a word.

Leila sighed with relief and walked into the room she’d exited. At least, she’d found the kitchen. Maybe she’d feel better after a cup of coffee.

The room was surprisingly homey and well-equipped. On the counter stood an oversized coffeemaker with cups lined up next to it. She poured herself one and added milk. As she sat down at the round table in the middle of the room, she noticed the TV that stood in the corner. It was switched on, but somebody had muted it.

Leila took a sip of the hot coffee and allowed it to warm her overtired limbs. She hadn’t pulled an all-nighter since her residency and felt that her age was showing now. In her teens and early twenties, she’d had no problems staying up all night, but now she felt the strain physically.

As she lifted her head from the coffee cup, her gaze drifted back to the TV. A red stripe scrolled on the bottom of it. It said Breaking News. Then a reporter appeared in front of a building she recognized instantly: Inter Pharma.

Leila jumped from her chair and rushed to the TV, frantically searching for the button to increase the volume.


Manus rubbed the back of his neck. “That didn’t go well.”

“As always you have great timing,” Aiden replied.

“Hey, I said I’m sorry, and I tried to explain to her that at night that’s just what you need to do to get some rest, but you saw how she cut me off. Besides, how did I know you’re resorting to cheap tricks to get your charge into bed? Should have simply used your charm.” He gave a half-hearted grin. “Works for me.”

“She wanted it.”

His second lifted his arms. “Hey, hey, I’m not denying that. It was pretty obvious by the way she blushed, but you’ve got lots to learn about women.”

As if he hadn’t figured that out himself. “I don’t need a lecture. I’ll handle this.”

How, he had no idea. They were both adults; she knew what she was getting into, and still she’d let him proceed. Wasn’t she the one who had started it? Hadn’t she asked him to make her forget? Nevertheless, he had to somehow get her to forgive him.

Aiden cleared his throat. “Now tell me what you’ve found out.”

Manus flopped down on the couch and put his feet on the coffee table. “The car that nearly ran your charge over was stolen last night.”

“That’s not a good sign.”

“I’m thinking the same thing. Somebody could have stolen it solely for the purpose of killing her with it.”

While Aiden had to agree with that assessment, one thing didn’t make sense. “But why would the demons want to kill her? She’s in the final stages with her research. If they kill her now Copyright 2016 - 2024