Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1) - By Unknown Page 0,112

car, and the demons’ own observations, and Leila’s death would be believable.

For the first time in days, Aiden felt his body relax, the tension shedding like dead skin. There was only one thing now that was still on his mind. And he would take care of it now.

He put a hand on Leila’s lower back, making her turn away from his compound mates who were chatting in the great room. She smiled at him.

“Come,” he murmured only for her to hear.

Interest flickered in her eyes. “Where to?”

But without waiting for his answer she accepted his hand and followed him out of the room. He led her along the corridor leading to his quarters.

“Do you remember that my father took me aside after the council meeting?”

“Yes . . . ”

“He told me that the council knew that I had brought you to the compound. And no humans are allowed here.”

He sensed her pull in a breath. “Are they going to punish you?” She gave him a concerned look.

“They will, unless I rectify the situation.” Having reached his rooms, he opened the door.

Hesitantly, she stepped inside, and he closed the door behind them. He noticed worry on her face.

“It’s time for that now.”

She nodded, her lids lowering to hide the sadness that had crept into her eyes. “I have to go then?” She turned away from him. “I understand. I do. I knew it couldn’t be like this forever.” Her voice broke.

“I’m not asking you to leave. I’m asking you to stay.” He moved behind her and cupped her shoulders.

She turned her face to him. “But you just said I have to leave.”

He smiled. “I said I have to rectify the situation. But that doesn’t mean you’ll leave. I want you to stay. As my mate, my wife.”

Leila’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes widened. “Your . . . you want to . . . ”

He stroked his knuckles over her cheek. “Yes, I want. I want very much.” He pressed a kiss on her lips. “The only humans ever allowed in any of our compounds are the mates of a Stealth Guardian. The council gave me time to decide. I didn’t really need all that time to know, but I wanted to give you time to get used to me, to see what life with me would be like. What life at the compound would be like, before I asked you. Leila, I love you. Will you be my mate, my wife, mine forever?”

Her eyes searched his, surprise and doubt still shining through them. “But . . . ” She bit her lip.

His heart clenched. Did she not feel the same for him? Had he misinterpreted her loving gazes, her caring touch, the sparkle in her eyes when she looked at him? He lowered his eyes, her rejection hurting more than anything else ever had. Every time they had made love since they’d defeated the demons in the cave, their lovemaking had become more intense, deeper, more connected. He’d poured virta into her so many times, his compound mates had started giving him dirty looks. Hamish had even pulled him aside one day and told him to give Leila a break.

“But,” she continued then, “you’re immortal. I’ll die in fifty years or so. I’ll grow old next to you while you stay young. You won’t love me then. It’ll never work.”

He lifted his head, relief coursing through his cells. “That’s your only objection?”

“Only? Isn’t that enough?”

“Tell me you love me.”

She hesitated.

“Leila, if you love me, please tell me now. If you truly love me, I need to know.”

“I love you, but—”

He cut her next words off by sliding his lips over hers and searing her mouth with a passionate kiss. She loved him. The confirmation of what he’d hoped for this entire time spread in his body, making it hum with pleasure.

Slowly he released her lips. “Are you sure? Absolutely sure?”

She nodded, her eyes suddenly brimming with unshed tears.

“Good, because if you aren’t, the bonding ritual will kill us both.”

Leila jolted physically. “What are you saying?”

Aiden brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “Remember the first time I made love to you the Stealth Guardian way?”

When she nodded, he continued, “You collected the virta I poured into you, and you concentrated it on me when you put your palm over my heart. It was flowing through your arm. Had it reached my heart, we would have been bonded. And when that happens between a couple that doesn’t truly love Copyright 2016 - 2024