Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1) - By Unknown Page 0,107

pleased to learn that Hamish has returned and was indeed instrumental in ferreting out the traitor. I believe such initiative should be rewarded. Finlay’s seat on the council is vacant. I propose to offer it to Hamish. We need men like him.”

Aiden felt his friend stir next to him, but before Hamish could say anything, another council member spoke up.

“I second the nomination,” Wade said.

“A vote then,” Primus requested.

“Uh, Primus.” Hamish took a step forward, approaching the u-shaped table.


“I’m honored by the nomination and your trust in me, however, with all due respect, I cannot accept a position on the council.”

Gasps went through the assembled. To be offered a seat on the council, particularly for one as young as Hamish, was the greatest honor that could be bestowed upon a Stealth Guardian. To turn it down was nearly blasphemous.

Hamish raised a hand. “May I make my reasoning clear?”

Primus nodded. “Very well.”

“The demons are out there, getting stronger by the day. From what Aiden could gather about Zoltan, he’s a rising star in the demon world. He’ll be their next leader, and I think he’s smarter than all of them. It’s a new guard. He will try to fight us with not only brawn, but brain. And while I understand the need for the council to make decisions and rule our race, I know my place is as a guardian out there in the field. It’s where I can have the most impact. I’d much rather be out there, fighting side by side with my brothers than sit on the council. No offense.”

Aiden felt Hamish’s words fill him with joy. He had suspected that the council would offer his friend a seat. His father had hinted at it when Aiden had spoken to him shortly before the meeting. He was glad that Hamish wasn’t inclined to accept the offer. He knew that his friend would serve their race better by staying where he was: at the compound, fighting demons and protecting humans.

“Is your mind made up?” Cinead asked.

Hamish nodded.

“I am sorry to hear that, Hamish, however, at your age I wanted exactly the same. I can’t blame you for your choice.”

“Thank you.” He bowed and moved back to stand next to Aiden.

“The council accepts your decision,” Primus said, then motioned to the two council guards standing near the door. “Bring in the prisoner.”

When Deirdre was led in a moment later, murmurs went through the council chambers. Aiden instinctively squeezed Leila’s hand tighter. This Stealth Guardian had tried to kill her. Not only once, but several times. If it were up to him, he’d hand out the harshest punishment.

Aiden watched her as she passed by them to stand in front of the council. Her head turned slightly, gracing him with a quick glance. There was nothing in her eyes that indicated that she regretted her actions.

“You’ve been brought before us to take responsibility for your deeds. You’re accused of acting against the council’s express wishes. What do you have to say in your defense?” Primus addressed her.

Deirdre lifted her chin, every inch of her still the council member that wielded power. “I did what was right for our community.”

“We voted otherwise,” Primus disagreed.

“Because you couldn’t see what was right in front of you.” She turned to point her finger at Leila. “She was endangering us and the entire human race. She had to be stopped. You were wrong to protect her. The demons are still after her, are they not? What makes you think they won’t get her after all? I still say we eliminate her.”

Aiden felt anger surge, his chest moving as he expelled an angry breath. Next to him, Leila put a hand on his arm, calming him. When he looked at her, she shook her head silently, indicating he should not interfere in the interrogation.

“You had no right to make this decision on your own. You had your vote, just as the rest of us did. We can’t simply take matters into our own hands when we don’t like how the council decides.”

Deirdre’s look softened. “Primus, I did this so we wouldn’t lose our own once more. I did it to keep us all safe, just as I would have given anything to keep Julia safe. Can’t you see that? I don’t hate this human, but the danger she represents should she ever fall into the hands of the demons, is too great. How many of our children will die because of it?”

Primus locked eyes with her for a Copyright 2016 - 2024