Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1) - By Unknown Page 0,104

Aiden felt the tiny hairs on his arms stand up in dread. He knew what Zoltan’s words meant, but Finlay still smiled. What a fool, indeed.

“Let’s go,” Zoltan ordered and grabbed Leila’s arm.

In horror, Aiden watched as he dragged her toward the vortex, while she tried to dig her heels into the ground.

“Wait!” Finlay called. “Haven’t you forgotten something?”

Zoltan turned to face the traitor. “Forgotten? Oh, right!” Then he laughed. “Deal with him!” he ordered a demon next to him and turned.

Aiden couldn’t stall any longer. He could only hope that his colleagues had been able to approach the demons in stealth and were close enough to attack before Zoltan had a chance to get away.

“Uncloak now!” he screamed, his voice filling the cavern.

Zoltan’s head shot to him, just as Aiden uncloaked himself.

Yet Aiden didn’t look at the demon’s furious green eyes, instead his gaze fixed on the diamond studded pendant that hung around his neck.


Within a split second of Aiden’s voice filling the cave, a voice Leila was more than thrilled to hear, pandemonium broke out. The demons around her swarmed out, rushing toward the Stealth Guardians who materialized out of nowhere. Swords clashed and daggers went flying. Angry shouts and grunts echoed in the cavern, making it sound like a whole army had descended on them.

Yet, Leila couldn’t concentrate on the fight raging around her. All she could think of now was how to get the pendant back that hung around Zoltan’s neck. With the demons around him being otherwise engaged, she finally had a chance, if only a slim one.

She had never thought he would wear it, but maybe Hamish had been right after all: demons liked shiny thing, and the piece of jewelry was more than just shiny, it was brilliant. The moment she’d seen Zoltan emerge from the vortex, she had noticed it. Her mind had started churning, trying to devise a plan for how to snatch her data back and destroy it before he dragged her into hell with him. Now the chance presented itself.

Frantically, her eyes darted around the cave, trying to assess the Stealth Guardians’ chances of defeating the demons. The Stealth Guardians were outnumbered, some of them having to fight not one opponent, but two. Yet their agility seemed to aid them in their fight, as did their other skills.

Leila watched as Hamish suddenly vanished, then reappeared behind a demon a second later, the clueless vile creature searching for him in panic, before Hamish’s sword severed his head. Green blood spurted onto the Stealth Guardian and the rock formations around him. His friends employed the same methods to deal with their opponents, turning invisible whenever they were in a bind, then reappearing an instant later at a different spot.

Enya fought just as bravely as her male colleagues. Her long blond hair was braided tightly around her head so the strands wouldn’t get in the way as she swung her sword like a samurai and spun her body as gracefully as a dancer, yet as fast and furious as a ninja. Leila had never seen a woman fight like that. She seemed fearless in the face of the demons, her hand swinging the sword with precision and cunning and with more strength than her lithe body should have been capable of.

With a triumphant growl, Enya hit the demon’s arm. He howled in response, but Enya didn’t stop in her movement even as he jumped onto her. She didn’t flinch when he aimed his dagger at her. In mid-movement, he halted, then dropped his gaze downwards. Leila followed his eyes and saw that Enya had driven a dagger into his gut. With a satisfied grin, she now yanked the dagger higher, slitting open her opponent as if she was an experienced butcher and the demon simply a dead bull.

Zoltan saw the same scene, noticing how more and more of his demons were being slaughtered, despite the fact that they outnumbered the Stealth Guardians. Clearly, their ability to turn invisible and then reappear where the demons didn’t suspect them, helped them greatly.

Yet, instead of helping his fellow demons, Zoltan didn’t move, nor did he release her arm. His fingers still dug painfully into her flesh, almost like the claws of a beast, his strength undeniable.

“Let’s go,” he grunted and yanked her toward the vortex.

It appeared he was prepared to let his followers die without lifting a finger as long as he got away with what he wanted: her.

“You have to take me with you!” Copyright 2016 - 2024