Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,75

from home, in a lavish palace in a remote principality, lying with her lover, savoring his incredible passion. This escapade was sheer fantasy, a total escape from reality.

She would not be able to deny reality much longer, however. Jack shouldn’t be forced into becoming a prince simply to win her father’s approval.

But she would make the most of the time they had left together, Sophie vowed, until she had to go back and face her duty.

Dawn was streaking through the windows when Jack slowly came awake. He was keenly aware that the woman curled against him was Sophie, although his eyes remained closed as he took stock of other sensations. He felt drained of emotion yet strangely content at the same time. The string of tight, cold knots in his chest had begun to loosen, all due to Sophie. Her warmth had spread through him, easing his anger and bitterness.

Likely he should not have let her give him the gift of her innocence, but their joining had been precious to him. And watching her come alive in his arms had been nothing short of incredible. She was so utterly feminine and womanly, so exquisitely responsive, she took his breath away.

He couldn’t regret a moment of it. Particularly when he recalled his chief aim. If he was to overcome her resistance to a future together, then binding her to him through passion was the most effective means.

Easing away from her delectably naked form, he quietly drew off the covers and sat up. As he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, however, he felt a caressing hand on his hip.

Turning, Jack glanced down at Sophie. Her expression was soft and contented and perhaps a little shy.

“Good morning,” she murmured.

Her dark hair was a riot of curls spilling over the pillow and framing her face. Reaching down he brushed the coiling tendrils away from her forehead, then bent to place a lingering kiss on her lips.

“Good morning to you as well.”

Her soft sigh conveyed pleasure, while her smile held the warmth that never failed to affect him. “Jack, if we are to leave later today, I would rather not spend what time we have here indoors.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Could we explore the grounds? Perhaps walk down to the lake below the palace? We could even have breakfast there. We didn’t finish dinner last night, remember? We were too occupied satisfying other appetites.” A glimmer of amusement appeared in her eyes. “I am not complaining, I hope you realize.”

Jack suspected what she was up to; she still wanted to soothe the angry beast inside him. But he helped her to dress and donned his own clothes while she braided and pinned her hair and put on her cloak. Her fingers holding tightly to his, they negotiated the palace corridors and stairways, passing various servants who looked startled to see them wandering the halls, and even more startled by their appearance in the kitchens and their request for an alfresco breakfast to fill Jack’s knapsack.

After securing directions, they left the palace by way of the cultivated gardens and easily found the trail that descended through the woods. Bright morning sunlight drenched the mountains in gold, but the air was rather cool in the shadows of the forest.

A half hour’s walk downhill brought them to a vivid blue lake. The water was crystal clear and glittering, since the sun had just risen above the treetops. They searched along the pebbled shoreline until they found a flat rock out of the shadows and settled down to eat their breakfast.

They spoke little. The peaceful tableau was good for his soul, as was Sophie’s presence. Jack felt himself healing, his thoughts of revenge fading away.

Sophie didn’t press him for a decision then, or later when they packed up the remains of their meal and headed back to the palace.

Climbing uphill took longer. Sophie was a little breathless and his own pulse was more rapid by the time they reached the gardens. His pulse faltered, though, when he saw a man slowly approaching, recognizing the elegantly garbed figure as his father. At the sight, Jack felt himself stiffen automatically. He was also aware that Sophie moved closer to him protectively and took his hand.

They continued along the gravel path until they came face-to-face with his father. Up close, Prince Raoul did not look quite as elegant, resting his weight on a silver-handled cane, his complexion pale.

“Might I have a word with you?” he asked in Copyright 2016 - 2024