Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,41

lovemaking … how he had kissed her breasts and stroked her to arousal, giving her incredible pleasure and making her writhe in sweet, mindless abandon.

The memory made her flush, yet her larger concern was if and how he would confront her father about the journal.

Having seen Jack waylay her parents at the conclusion of the picnic, Sophie was on tenterhooks to learn the outcome of their encounter. But when she arrived home with the rest of the party, her mother and father had already retired to their chamber—no doubt because Mama needed to rest after such unaccustomed exertion.

However, Sophie glimpsed Jack across the entry hall, standing with one shoulder propped against the wall, as if he was waiting for her. When he gave her a brief nod, suggesting that his mission had been successful, her spirits lifted absurdly. Perhaps his courtship was not too late after all.

For the rest of the afternoon she was swept up in overseeing final arrangements for the assembly to be held that evening at the Hall. The neighboring gentry were invited to join Mrs. Pennant’s houseguests for dancing and supper, and the staff required direction for setting up the buffet tables and repositioning furniture to make room for the small orchestra.

With barely an hour to spare, Sophie went upstairs to dress. No sooner had she reached the upper floor when she saw Lady Skye approaching from the guest wing corridor. Already garbed in her evening finery, the fair-haired beauty looked breathtakingly lovely in a gown of ice-blue lace over a skirt of sapphire-blue satin.

Surprisingly, Lady Skye paused to speak to her. “I know you are quite busy, Sophie, but I would like a private word with you whenever you have a free moment.”

Having long wanted the opportunity to speak with Skye privately, Sophie readily agreed. “Of course. I must dress for the assembly just now, but if you don’t mind talking while I arrange my hair, you could accompany me to my bedchamber.”

“I don’t mind in the least.”

Leading the way, Sophie invited her guest inside and offered her a seat in a wing chair.

When Sophie sat down at her dressing table and began removing the pins from her hair, Skye surprised her again by saying, “You have lovely hair. So vibrant and rich.”

Sophie gave a soft laugh. “Thank you for the compliment, but I have difficulty taming so many curls.”

“Would you like my help?” Skye asked.

“You are kind, but I’ve learned to manage on my own since I don’t have a personal maid. My aunt sometimes spares her dresser to assist me for formal functions, but this evening she is attending to my mother.”

As Sophie began brushing her unruly tresses, she glanced in the mirror at her visitor. “What did you wish to discuss?”

“Mostly I would like to put in a good word for my cousin Jack.”


“I understand he gave the journal to your father. I do hope it ends the dissension between our families. I would very much like for us to be friends.”

“As would I,” Sophie replied earnestly.

“And I would dearly love to have you as a cousin.”

Sophie felt color rise to her cheeks.

At her response, Skye smiled charmingly. “I know I am leaping ahead of myself, and no doubt it is impertinent of me, but I want to aid Jack’s courtship any way I can.”

Sophie shook her head. “I don’t believe he is actually serious about courting me. He is just playing a game.”

Skye shook her head. “Oh, no, he is quite serious. He may joke about enacting Romeo and Juliet, but he would never be so cruel as to dally with a lady’s affections and lead her to have false hopes about matrimony.”

“What did he say about his intentions toward me?”

“Nothing of any great import. Prying information from Jack is like drawing water from stone. He never promotes himself either, which is why I feel the need to laud him. Also, I want you to know that the Wilde family would eagerly welcome you into our ranks.”

Appreciative of the bald declaration, Sophie gave a faint smile. “I am flattered, truly, but my circumstances may not allow me to entertain his suit.”

“I know. You must honor your father’s wishes. But if you were free … The thing is, Sophie, I am worried that you only see the rakish side of Jack. I assure you, there is much more to him than meets the eye.”

“What do you mean?” she asked curiously.

Suddenly looking solemn, Skye hesitated. “This is rather delicate.… You see, there are Copyright 2016 - 2024