Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,38

suckling her breast and returned his mouth to hers. He kissed her deeply, all the while stroking, rubbing, arousing between her thighs. Helplessly, Sophie curled her fingers in his rampant black locks and gave herself over to his magical caresses.

It was not long before she lost all sense of herself. Caught up in the whirlwind, Sophie whimpered plaintively and gripped him more tightly. Blood rushed hot in her veins while incredible sensations sparked inside her.

As the heat built to a burning crescendo at her core, she helplessly thrust against Jack’s hand, until a stunning explosion shattered her. Spasms shook her body that left her gasping.

When she collapsed back against the pillows, he gathered her limp body in his arms.

“Dear heaven, what … just happened?” she rasped after a long moment.

“It’s called ‘the little death’ … your body’s response to arousal. That is only a taste of the passion I could give you, sweetheart,” he murmured, stroking the curve of her hot cheek with a soothing finger.

Passion indeed, Sophie thought dazedly. He had sent sizzling currents of pleasure surging inside her.

She lay languidly in his arms, savoring the feel of him, marveling at the wonder of his touch. Her skirts were wantonly bunched up about her thighs, the night air cool on her bare skin, yet the brazen intimacy felt amazingly natural.

Jack was affected by their intimacy also, judging by the hard bulge in his breeches that pressed against her hip. As he rested his forehead against hers, a shudder racked his frame. He was clearly fighting for control of himself.

Then suddenly he eased off her. Fierce disappointment raged through Sophie when he rolled onto his back to gaze up at the ceiling overhead.

Uncertainly, she turned onto her side, facing him. “What is wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong.”

“Then why did you draw away?”

His jaw was set in a hard line, but his voice was husky when he replied. “Because I promised I wouldn’t ravish you, and I can’t vouch for my willpower if I keep touching you.”

“I know exactly how you feel,” Sophie admitted in a low voice.

He glanced sideways at her then, his smile rueful but no less dazzling. That slow, charming smile seemed to squeeze the very breath from her. Then his gaze dipped to her bare breasts.

Reaching up, he rearranged her bodice to cover her breasts and refastened the buttons. “I would just as soon avoid temptation,” he muttered.

“I have heard it is painful for a man without release.”

His eyebrow rose. “Where did you hear such a thing?”

“Our former maid. Martha told me in general what happens between lovers, but I never understood until this moment why lovemaking is so hard to resist. It is no wonder she found herself in the family way.”

Jack’s gaze searched her face. “I can’t get you with child unless I enter your body with my cock and plant my seed inside you. And even then, there are various ways to prevent my seed from taking root.”

“That is a sincere relief,” Sophie said honestly.

Seeming to shake off the solemn topic, he slipped his arm around her waist. “Come here, I want to hold you again.” At her hesitation, he added, “Trust me, I won’t do anything without your permission.”

Sophie laughed softly at the irony. She must be mad, but somehow she trusted Jack to keep his word. “It is not you I don’t trust. It is myself.”

He flashed her a look of pained humor and delight before cradling her close in a tender embrace, with her head again tucked against his shoulder.

When he kissed her hair, Sophie wrapped her arm around his waist and pressed her cheek against his shirt, breathing in his masculine scent, wondering how she would ever survive if Jack seriously tried to seduce her. One touch from him and she lost any semblance of self-restraint.

“I will go in a little while,” he murmured.

“I suppose you must,” she said regretfully.

Jack was having similar regrets as he lay there with Sophie, pondering the force of his desire for her. It was sheer torment, holding her warm, delectable body yet being unable to go any further.

He had never shared a bed with a woman without consummating his desire. He’d never wanted any woman so badly, either; not ever. For the past two days, he’d felt the constant urge to drag Sophie into the nearest room and lock the door so they could be alone together.

What was even more surprising, he wanted the right to court her openly. It was ludicrous, no doubt. They’d met Copyright 2016 - 2024