Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,18


“Because you are a dutiful daughter, and you won’t disobey your parents.”

“Because I won’t disappoint my parents. My mother was especially devastated by my brother’s death, and I hope to relieve her sadness in some small measure.” She gazed up at Lord Jack, willing him to understand. “I cannot make up for the pain my parents endured, but I have to try. They have invested everything they have in my matrimonial prospects. All their hopes and dreams rest on my match with the duke.”

Her explanation gave him pause, she could tell, and she pressed her point. “I respect and love my parents very much, and I owe them my loyalty.”

He did not seem to like that argument, however, judging from his frown.

“What if you were in my position?” Sophie added earnestly. “Did you love your adopted parents, my lord?”


“Then I expect you would have done whatever they asked.”

“Within reason,” he conceded.

“But I am supposed to turn my back on my family simply because you have a whim to test a fantastical theory about legendary lovers?”

He had an answer for that, however. “It is not merely a whim on my part. You are letting yourself be forced into marriage to an ancient moneybags.”

“The duke is hardly ancient.”

“Even so, you should have a choice whom to wed.”

“I do have a choice—and I am choosing him.”

“But you don’t love Dunmore.”

“Well … no.”

“And you don’t really want to wed him.”

Apparently Lord Jack noted her hesitation for his tone turned more forceful. “Then I cannot understand your submissiveness. You are willing to stand up for your maid but not yourself.”

Sophie searched his gaze. “What are you saying, my lord? That you wish to save me from an unwanted marriage?”

“What if I do?” His expression had softened, but for once, Lord Jack appeared entirely serious.

Touched by his concern, Sophie smiled in gratitude. “It is considerate of you to want to act as my savior, but I fear it is much too late for that. In any case, there are worse things than a marriage of convenience. One cannot always marry for love.”

“What about your marriage bed?”

“What about it?”

“You won’t find pleasure there, let alone joy. A woman as responsive as you deserves passion.”

Sophie could scarcely believe they were having such a forthright conversation, yet before she could think of a reply, he stepped closer.

She tensed as a shiver of awareness rippled down her spine. Did he actually intend to kiss her again?

Her gaze wandered to Lord Jack’s enticing mouth, then lifted once more when he reached up to loosen the ribbons of her bonnet.

“I mean to prove it to you,” he murmured. His dark eyes holding hers, Lord Jack shifted her bonnet slightly on her head to give his lips greater access to hers.

Sophie remained immobile, wishing she had the strength to resist the potent allure of his kisses. But all her willpower fled when he cradled her cheek in the warm hardness of his palm and spoke softly.

“The first time we kissed, there was a spark of fire between us. You felt it too, don’t deny it.…”

She couldn’t possibly deny that certifiable fact. His mere touch kindled more of those sparks now, making fresh desire flare up inside her. The warm mist of his breath caressed her lips as he took her in his arms.

“Open for me, lovely Sophie …” he murmured again, his voice silky, sensual. And then he lowered his head.

His kiss this time was slow and lengthy and very, very expert. And it had the same stunning effect on Sophie as before: It sent a wash of heat swirling through her that made her feverish.

Of their own accord, her arms crept up to twine about his neck while her body molded against his, seeking instinctively to press closer. His kiss only deepened, his lips and tongue mating with hers in a sensual dance that dazzled her.

At the same time, one of his hands slid down her back to her derriere, drawing their loins together, turning the sparks between them to flame.

The moan that rose to Sophie’s throat was quite audible in the quiet hush of the office. Lord Jack obviously heard it, for his marvelous mouth finally broke off … although he didn’t fully release her.

Instead, his eyes smiled into hers as he raised a finger to trace her wet lips in a delicate caress. “You see my point, darling. There must be something to our legendary lovers tale after all.”

Sophie closed her eyes, fighting the emotional aftershock of his kiss. Why Copyright 2016 - 2024