Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,16

soon as I return. Meanwhile, you can continue studying Mrs. Radcliffe’s novel for vocabulary. And I am leaving the primers for you as well,” she added, handing the satchel of books over.

“Yes, thank you, Miss Fortin … I will.”

When Sophie turned and approached Lord Jack, he pushed away from the wall. “What did you do to make your maid cry?”

Taken aback by his insinuation, she started to answer seriously. “I did not make her cry exactly. Women in her condition sometimes become overly emotional—” She broke off at seeing the glimmer dancing in his dark eyes, realizing that he was teasing her.

“She was merely grateful for the refitted gown I gave her,” Sophie finished. “Her own gowns are much too snug now. What brings you here to the auditorium, my lord? You look like a fish out of water among all these mothers-to-be.”

He flashed her a smile of heart-stopping charm; the kind of smile that made women go weak at the knees. “I came to see you but found you engaged with Martha.”

Again he’d surprised her. “How do you know her name?”

Jack fell in beside Sophie as she moved from the auditorium out into the corridor. “I investigated you with the trustees. You visit your maid twice a week, teaching her to cipher and read. What are you, a bluestocking at heart?”

His tone told her he was still roasting her, so she answered just as lightly. “If you mean to disparage me, you won’t succeed, since I find many bluestockings admirable. But I cannot claim to be one. I simply believe that Martha will likely find employment at higher wages if she has a command of basic skills. A shop assistant earns far more than a chambermaid, for instance.”

“So you are practical as well as tenderhearted,” he observed.

“I suppose so.” Sophie glanced toward the front entrance hall. “Actually, I was just leaving, my lord.”

“Surely you can spare me a moment. Allow me to escort you to your carriage at least.”

Sophie hesitated, reluctant to have her aunt’s footmen see Lord Jack. “It is not my carriage. My aunt lends me her barouche to come here.”

He looked curious. “She condones your visits with Martha?”

“I would not say that exactly. But she told me about the Arundel Home in the first place.”

“I thought you said your parents expelled your maid from your household. Do they approve of your altruism?”

Sophie winced at the reminder of her subterfuge. She’d had to conceal her efforts at remaking Martha’s gown and smuggle the garment from the house in her satchel, along with the primers and novels she used for tutoring. “They don’t know. They think I am visiting the lending library. I like to read a great deal, so it is not unusual for me to patronize the library and local bookshops.”

“Ah, a closeted rebel as well as a bluestocking.”

His ragging brought a smile to her lips, which she tried to suppress, not wanting to encourage him. “If I recall, you are also keeping your visits here a secret,” she pointed out.

The grin he fired at her was lazy and warm, spreading heat through her. “So I am. Count me impressed, by the way. It’s uncommonly broad-minded of you to visit here, particularly in defiance of your parents’ wishes. I think your generosity commendable.”

“I could say the same of yours.” A small sigh escaped her. “I wish I could do more for Martha. She will need a number of things for the baby when it comes—blankets, clothing, a cradle—and my pin money likely will not be enough to cover the costs.”

“Why don’t you ask your aunt for more funds?”

“She has done enough for me already, paying all the expenses for my Season. And the clothes allowance she provides me is not mine to give away. Besides, my aunt mainly supports my efforts because she knows my father would not approve.”

“Do I detect a conflict there?”

Sophie bit her tongue, aware she had said too much about her family affairs. Lord Jack was practically a stranger, after all, despite the inexplicable affinity she felt for him.

“You needn’t worry about Martha any longer,” he assured her. “I will see to it that she has ample funds for the babe.”

Sophie opened her mouth to decline, then promptly shut it again. She couldn’t turn down his offer simply out of misplaced pride. Besides, he came from a world of privilege and fortune and could well afford the expense.

“Thank you, my lord,” she murmured. “Now, if you will forgive me, I must go. Copyright 2016 - 2024