Love Under Two Cowboys - By Cara Covington Page 0,15

a plan right there and then to see to it they spent some part of every single day just like this.

"What comes next is we court you. We get to hold you and kiss you while you get to know us and we get to know you."

"And, darlin', if you could find it in your heart to help us with this seriously ugly house, we'd be grateful."

Carrie laughed out loud. She moved to sit up, and Chase helped her. She looked around the room. "It is ugly. Does the rest of the house look like this?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Chase said. "Apparently the Benedicts who decided to come out of town and 'work the land' in the 1930s had no intention of really doing so. The place has been rented out a couple of times since then, most recently by a retired history teacher from Abilene. She finally moved a year or so ago to an assisted living facility close to her great-nieces and nephews, in Waco."

"Jake said she loved the decor," Brian said. "Apparently she told him it felt as if she was living in a museum." He laughed. "Jake said the few times he came out to visit her, or to bring contractors out to do repairs, she'd greet him at the door wearing costumes from the twenties and thirties."

Carrie just shook her head. "And of course, no one in town would think anything of that woman living out here dressed in dated garb, because she was happy."

"She was sane, and paid the rent on time. How she wanted to live her life was her business, wasn't it?" Chase ran his hand through her short black hair. He'd wanted to get his fingers in it ever since he'd met her. At first look, he'd thought she was some sort of Goth girl. The first time he'd laid eyes on her, she'd worn her hair in a spiky kind of do, sported red, red lipstick, and had a rainbow of stud earrings in her left ear. Her right ear only had two studs, and he'd wondered at the time if the look was a fashion statement, or if she'd run out of money before getting the right ear done to match the left. And still, with that first sight, Goth girl or no, he'd wanted her.

"I have the feeling that's the motto of Lusty, right there," Carrie said.

"Have you visited the museum yet, darlin'?" Brian was still massaging her feet and Chase could tell that was something their woman really enjoyed.

Carrie lay back on Chase and groaned, likely in response to the foot rub. "You're the second person to ask me that in recent days. I haven't been there yet. I have the feeling I should make time to visit it soon."

"We want to take you there." Chase kissed the top of her head. He found his own spot to massage - right at the base of her neck, and across her shoulders. He felt her go boneless on him and grinned.

"Okay. I'd probably be better off touring the place with the two of you. I have a feeling you're more than a little familiar with the contents of that building."

"We are." Brian raised one of her feet and kissed it. Carrie seemed shocked for a moment but then she smiled. "It tells the story of Lusty, its founding and the years in between then and now. Chase and I are very proud of our heritage."

She relaxed on him for another few minutes, and Chase really enjoyed the closeness the three of them developed. Finally she sighed. "I have to work tomorrow, so I can't stay a whole lot later. If you want me to tour your home and get some ideas, we should get started, shouldn't we?"

Chase gave her a hug, and then helped her sit up. "We should, but that was nice. I liked sitting there with you on us."

Carrie's expression turned soft. "I did, too. It's been a long time since someone just held me."

"Then let's make that a tradition with us," Brian said. "We'll see that you get hugs, and held, every day. Foot rubs, too, if you need them."

"Sounds good to me."

Chase shot his brother a quick glance as he lifted Carrie to her feet and stood himself. It was enough to let him know Brian had caught that emotion that came and went like lightning across their woman's face. It had been a look of hope tempered by caution.

Someone had let her down, and Copyright 2016 - 2024