To Love a Tormented Earl - Bridget Barton Page 0,114

warm from the sun," Mrs. Smith commented. "I never thought I would be ready for cooler weather, but this constant heat threw me for a loop. Are you not also feeling the uncomfortable heat?" she asked Bridget, motioning to her long sleeves and high-necked attire.

Though Bridget was beginning to feel uncomfortably warm with the sun beating in so strongly, she didn't want to admit that she was. Instead, she tugged nervously on her long sleeves again. Weather mattered little in Bridget's case. She had no choice but to wear long sleeves for the rest of her life or show the scars hidden beneath it.

"I am quite comfortable, but I thank you for the concern," Bridget said with a bright smile before quickly changing the subject.

By the end of the meal, Bridget had laughed so much at the gentle banter between Mrs. Smith and Lord John that she couldn't remember being astonished that the lord took his meals with the housekeeper.

"I have several errands to run," Lord John explained at the end of the meal. "I will arrange to have your belongings brought from the hotel and settle your account there. After which I will have to make some arrangements for Betsy. You are welcome to any room in the house, the garden, or the park is only a short distance away if you find a desire to stretch your legs," he continued.

"I hope that you and Betsy will be able to get on for the day by yourself while I settle my business?"

"Of course," Bridget responded hopefully.

She had been holding back the sullen feeling that Lord John might send the child away, as he had little means of his own to take on a ward. Though she didn't know the entire situation of Lord John and his relationship with the duke, she had enough understanding to suggest that he and his brother were at odds. Along with that, Lord John had not mentioned any living bestowed him by his late father.

She feared that the combination of these two things would have encouraged Lord John to send Betsy to live with his mother or brother. Clearly, if he was out to make plans for Betsy, he meant to keep her here with him. It gave Bridget great relief and a sense of accomplishing a mission she had taken up in honour of her late employer, who had been so good to her.

"Wonderful," Lord John said, coming to stand from the table.

He kissed Betsy atop her head as the child happily sipped her second cup of cocoa.

"I hope to have some good news when I return. I bid you all good morning."

Mrs. Smith, Betsy and Bridget sat in silence after his departure for a few moments, each finishing their own meal.

"I'm glad to see that Lord John is willing to take on a ward," Bridget said after a few moments. "I know this situation is slightly unconventional, him being an unattached man."

"And not the duke," Mrs. Smith said bluntly.

"Yes, that too," Bridget said with a slight blush.

Clearly, Mrs. Smith had found her out. She had been hoping to glean some information on the family situation from the housekeeper.

"I think it was just as much of a shock to Lord John that the Smeltings would pass over the obvious choice of the dowager or the duke. But Lord John located the correspondence last night and in it was a letter from Mr. Smelting explaining all. I believe Lord John will respect Mr. Smelting's wishes, even if they are a bit unique.

"It certainly won't be an easy task for him. He is already under so much pressure," Mrs. Smith only half said out loud.

"May I ask what sort of pressure," Bridget couldn't help but ask.

"The late Duke of Ludford set aside a commission for Lord John. It was expected that he would enter the Royal Navy. His father felt that Lord John would be most successful in a military career and already had connections with distinguished naval officials."

"But Lord John doesn't want that?" Bridget deduced.

"He may look an imposing man to most, but he is sharp of wit, and has a passion that lies far from a career at sea. He wishes to be a novelist."

"I see."

"Naturally, Lord John's eldest brother and mother are against such fantastical notions. In particular, the duke fears that Lord John will squander his inheritance, have nothing to show for it, and then not even have the means for a commission."

"But you don't agree with this assumption?" Bridget gleaned from the housekeeper's tone.

"I know Lord John will make something great of himself. His writing alone is superb. Even if it was not, he is a passionate man. When he is determined to do something, he finds a way to make it happen."

"But there is some pressure to become a successful novelist?"

"Yes. The duke has given Lord John a year. If he has not found a publisher pledging to distribute his novel, as the duke feels this is the only way for him to prove his writing skill, he will either take up the commission or be utterly cut off from the family."

"What a terrible thing to force on a man," Bridget spoke softly, having great sympathy for Lord John. "Has he already finished his manuscript?"

"I have read many of his manuscripts, and though I think they are all wonderful, he doesn't find them good enough to send to a publisher. He is determined to write his best work in the year he has been given and find a worthy company to distribute it for him. It is a lofty goal, but I know that if anyone can achieve it, it is he."

"I feel sorry that we have come at such a stressful time for him," Bridget voiced, though she knew their arrival was due to circumstances far outside her own hands.

Mrs. Smith smiled sweetly. She reached across the table, patting the top of Bridget's hand in a most motherly fashion. It was a soothing touch that Bridget had not experienced in her life, or if she had, it was in a childhood she no longer remembered.

"Very often what seems to be a great trial placed in our path turns out to be an even greater blessing."

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