To Love a Tormented Earl - Bridget Barton Page 0,110

life venture as an author, Frank had even encouraged him to stand up to the Duke of Ludford. It had given Lord John the courage he needed to do so. He knew that these words coming from Frank, were not spoken lightly.

Frank was the only son of the dowager duchess’s brother. Frank's father had been a lord of courtesy and nothing more, just as John was. Having the usual options of all sons born in elegant houses with no title to be taken, he had chosen military life over the church.

Frank had never thought fondly of his father or the man the military had turned him into. When he came of age, and his father expected him to take the commission the man had painstakingly saved up for him, Frank had refused. He had dreams of his own and becoming his father was not one of them.

Instead, he walked away from his father's house with nothing but the clothes on his back and his mother's sobs echoing in his ears. Frank had gone to the bustling Liverpool seaport and made a great man of himself. By the end of Frank's short life, he had become a partner in a prestigious shipping company.

It was Frank who had inspired Lord John to choose his own happiness – to make his own path in the world. Frank knew this, knew of his struggles to appease his mother and brother while still keeping his feet firmly planted in his decisions.

Frank knew of all people what a steep road Lord John had begun his journey on, as the man had done it himself. Lord John was lost for a reason as to why Frank ever thought such a situation would be conducive to raising a child.

As John read through the letter, he saw a second slip of paper fall from its pages. Along with the practical information given by the solicitor, there was a sealed letter addressed to Lord John in Frank's handwriting.

Dear John,

I hope that you will never have to read this letter. If you are holding this parchment in your hand, it is only because Elisabeth and I have both left this world prematurely. I am sure you will find it a great shock when you learn that we have asked you to take guardianship of our children – at present comprising our sweet Betsy.

I first want you to know that we have set up a trust with our solicitor as I have grown in success with my company. It is not much at the moment, but it will allow for a small dowry or funding for any future children we might have when they come of age. I am sure my solicitor will be happy to guide you through the technicality of all of the financial aspects of this.

What I would like to address in this letter is the question I am sure has troubled you from the moment you received word of your guardianship. Why did we choose you? I am sure that there will be some gossip in this regard. Naturally of our family – both Elisabeth and I – the proper choice would be to give our children to Aunt Gretchen, your mother and Betsy's Godmother or, at the very least, to the Duke of Ludford.

I want to assure you when deciding who should secure the happiness of our Betsy – or any future siblings – in our stead, we didn't do it lightly. You know well that the house I was raised in was not one of love. My father was distant and stern at the best of times and violent and cruel at the worst. My own mother had little time for her own child, preferring to rank society's company and opinion in the highest regard. You know well that this was never something I wanted for my own family.

Though I know the dowager duchess has the means to see that Betsy is brought up as a fine young lady, I fear that the only person I can honestly say has loved her as Elisabeth and I love her is you.

I cannot in good conscience trust my children to any house but one that will offer them the love and admiration of a real parent. I know that you will be this for my children, should the need arise.

If you are reading this, and my wife and I are gone, I only ask that you love my children as if they were your own. With this love Copyright 2016 - 2024