Love Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #2) - Teagan Hunter Page 0,68

go out tonight? You, me, and Maya. Let’s have some drinks, talk. Maybe dance. Maybe getting out of your apartment for something other than work will help. Clear your mind and all.”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on,” she urges. “It’ll be fun. We never go out.”

This is true. Mostly because I’d rather be at home.

Except for maybe tonight.

I do need to talk to Cooper…

But perhaps a few drinks will help me clear my mind.

Tomorrow. I’ll talk to him tomorrow.

“Okay. I’m in.”

Of course this is the place she’d pick to go drinking at.

I stare at the door of Lorde’s, the bar where Cooper first kissed me, afraid to step inside because I know all I’m going to do all night is think about him when that’s just what I’m trying not to do.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her there’s no way in hell I’m going inside, but Maya looks like she needs a drink just as much as I do, and this night doesn’t need to be all about my woes.

“Oh, thank god!” she cries. “We’re here. I need a drink pronto.”

“I think we all do,” River agrees. “Also, I heard this place does karaoke on Fridays. Think we’ll get drunk enough to try it?”

“Shit. I hope so,” Maya says, pulling the door open.

We show our IDs to the guy at the entrance, then shuffle inside. It’s loud as usual, and there are bodies everywhere it seems.

Guess we aren’t the only ones running from our problems.

“I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do,” Maya complains when we reach the bar. She lifts her hand to signal the bartender. “I can’t believe they’re selling my apartment building to turn it into a damn outdoor sports equipment shop. Like we need another one of those.”

“You and Sam can stay with us. I know Dean wouldn’t have any issue with it.”

Maya scoffs. “You really want me and my twelve-year-old to live in your two-bedroom apartment with you, your boyfriend, your demon cat, and his emotional support turtle?”

“First of all, Morris is not a demon. He only hates Dean. Second, it’s only temporary, and you’re my best friend. It’s my job to help take care of you.”

“And I love you for that, but we both know there’s no way that’s going to work out.” Maya sighs. “I’ll figure something out. I have to figure something out.”

“You will,” I tell her, rubbing her back. “We’ll help you look. We’ll start tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” She blows out a breath. “I’m glad I have you two.”

We both send her reassuring smiles.

“Hey, sorry about that,” the bartender says, sliding up to the counter. “What can I—oh, Caroline, hey.”

I turn at the sound of my name.

“Hey, Shayla,” I say. “How are you?”

“Good, good. I was wondering if you were around here tonight.”

I lift an eyebrow, curious.

She tips her head toward the other end of the bar. “Cooper didn’t order your drink earlier.”

Cooper’s here?

Like she’s summoned his attention, I can feel his eyes on me, burning right through me, straight to my heart.

I could smack myself. I’ve been in such a haze this week, I completely forgot today is Friday. And not just any Friday.

“It’s Friday night out,” I say.

She nods. “Yep. The gang’s all here, as per usual. They’re putting everything on Eli’s tab again too. I guess this is the second time this month he’s messed up hours’ worth of work.”

He did?

There’s a twist in my gut. Shayla knows more about Cooper’s job than I do currently.

I hate it.

“Anyway,” she moves on, “want your usual?”

I nod. “Please. And whatever these two want.”

She takes River’s and Maya’s drink orders, then hurries away.

Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t look.

I look.

Our eyes lock.

Everything falls away.

The bar, the loud music, the dancing bodies…it’s all gone.

It’s just us.

God do I miss that.

I miss his touch. His laugh. His kisses.

I miss him.

He lifts his drink to his lips, taking a sip but never pulling his eyes away from me, almost like he’s challenging me to look away first.

I do.

I toss my hair over my shoulder and turn back to the bar, seeing Shayla’s dropped off our drinks.

I pick mine up and instantly take a healthy swig.

“Caroline…” River says quietly when I turn back around. “We can go if you want. This is supposed to be a night about clearing your head, not being forced to deal with your issues.”

“No.” I shake my head. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”

“Good.” She smiles. “Now, let’s drink.”

“Oh, wait! Let’s do a toast,” Maya says.

“To what?”

She lifts her glass, Copyright 2016 - 2024