Love Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #2) - Teagan Hunter Page 0,62

started hanging my stuff on the rack, I’d have a panic attack, but nothing came. I was too busy trying to figure out how a man who’s never once lied to me before could suddenly do it so effortlessly. How he could betray me without flinching.

But hearing that I sold all thirty pieces? For the first time today, I feel something other than the dull ache in my chest.

I was so scared I’d fail if I put myself out there that I never really considered flourishing, and that’s exactly what happened.

“See?” she says, bumping her shoulder into mine. “I said you’d kick major ass, didn’t I?”

I blush. “You did.”

“And can you believe that lady bought six pieces?” Maya squeals, giddy about the day. “That’s like a whole wardrobe! We killed it!”

In addition to me selling out, we sold over half of our inventory and got a ton of foot traffic with promises to visit the full shop.

“We really did, and I’m so proud of us,” River says. “But I just have to say, we owe so much of today’s success to the lady of the hour…” She looks right at me when she says it. “I have no doubt it was your display out front that encouraged so many to come into the truck.”

“No way,” I argue. “It was a group effort.”

“Sure, but we couldn’t have done as well as we did if we didn’t have such a strong attention grabber. You attracted those sales. Your designs did that. You totally saved us last minute.”

“We’d have done amazing even without that.”

“Stop arguing and just be proud, dammit!” She laughs, then reaches across the counter and squeezes my hand. “Because I sure am. I’m thankful you took a chance and put yourself out there. I know it was hard for you to do, but I’m beyond grateful.”

“Ditto,” Maya says, nodding and smiling.

“Now do you believe me?” River says. “You totally killed it. You deserve a spot in the store full time.”

I balk, and she laughs.

“Okay, okay. Maybe you aren’t ready for that just yet, but what about putting a few pieces up on the website? I was thinking of launching them next month for our anniversary.”

“Next month? Already?”

“Hell yes already. I want to keep this momentum going, baby. I don’t want to chance you losing your confidence and changing your mind. You’re on fire—let’s keep it that way.”

I am feeling good… “How many are we talking?”

“Hmm…let’s say five styles? Various sizes on each, of course. Is that doable?”

I grin. “I think I can do that…although, you know, I do have a full-time job and my boss is a little bit of a hard-ass sometimes.”

“Yay!” She claps her hands together. “We’ll talk logistics on Tuesday, get a contract hammered out and whatnot. Oh! Speaking of…” She shuffles through the various binders in front of her, pulling out a financial one. She scribbles on a check, then rips it out and hands it my way. “Your commission.”

My throat constricts as the check slips into my grasp.

Tears begin to well in my eyes, but I blink them away, not wanting to cry in front of them.

This is it. The first real proof that this hobby of mine could be something more.


And for the first time, I think I might actually be able to do this.

I give them both a wobbly smile, unable to form words right now.

She clears her throat. “So, I don’t know about you two, but I’m wired and exhausted all at once. I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep at all tonight—not that that’s different than any other night though.” She shrugs. “I just really hope Dean isn’t asleep when I get home because celebration sex sounds really good right now.”

“Ugh.” Maya groans. “I’m so not jealous at all. You get to go home to Dean. Caroline gets to go home to Cooper. Me? I’m going home to…well, my kid who keeps texting me asking me when I’ll be home because he’s hungry and still can’t figure out how not to ruin mac and cheese.”

“My nephew,” River says, shaking her head. “So pitiful.”

“He got it from you,” Maya insists through a yawn. “Well, ladies, that would be my cue to get my old ass home.” She grabs her purse from the counter, slipping it over her shoulder. “Celebratory breakfast in the morning? The Gravy Train at eight?”

River pins her with a stare. “Are you going to show up at eight? Or roll in late again?”

“I guess we’ll see, Copyright 2016 - 2024