Love Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #2) - Teagan Hunter Page 0,48


“Excuse me,” he says, switching feet again. “I’m a sophisticated man. I’m not eating ramen for dinner.”

“You’re the one who bought the ramen.”

“Yeah, for you.”

“I don’t even eat it!”

“Oh. Right. I guess that is mine, then.” He curls his lip in disgust. “I don’t want noodles. I want something else. A burger or something.”

I knew this was coming; I just didn’t think it’d happen two weeks into dating.

Cooper’s a social butterfly. I’m the exact opposite of that.

The first weekend we spent at home was perfect. There was nothing that could have ruined that high.

Last weekend, Cooper asked if I wanted to go down the street to the local sports bar with him to watch whatever football team always has him outraged.

I passed, and he stayed home with me.

I know he’s getting antsy, being cooped up in the house. I can tell because I’ve had The Vampire Diaries playing for the last hour and he’s rubbing my feet without me asking.

He definitely wants something.

“Do you want to grab dinner?”

And there it is.

“And I don’t mean at The Gravy Train,” he adds when I open my mouth.

Dammit. He knows me too well.

He reaches over and pulls my sketchpad down so I’m forced to look at him.

“We could go to Jack’s Box. I know you like their fries,” he says, batting those damn green eyes at me.

“Isn’t the girl supposed to be the one to bat her lashes and get her way?”

“I’m sorry, did you just try to force gender roles on me?”

I pull my sketchpad back up, shaking my head. “Don’t be annoying, Coop.”

“I’m not annoying, just right. And starving.” He squeezes my foot again. “What do you say? Want to go grab dinner at Jack’s and then maybe a few drinks at Lorde’s, do a little dancing? I know how much dancing with me turns you on,” he teases.

“Is this your way of asking me to go out to drinks tonight with you and your co-workers?”


“And you’re trying to woo me with food to get me to do that?”


“I really don’t mind if you go by yourself. I trust you if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I’m not worried about that. I’m just worried about you sitting around here being lonely without me.”

I lift a brow at him. “I’ve sat here plenty of nights without you, thank you very much.”

A grin stretches over his lips, and I’ve known him long enough to know it’s his I’m having very dirty thoughts smirk.

“What are you thinking about?”

“You…sitting around here without me.” His grin grows. “I bet you masturbated all the time when I wasn’t here, didn’t you?”

Warmth spreads through my cheeks, and he laughs.

I try to kick out of his grip, but it’s no use. He holds me to him.

“What makes you think I don’t still sit around masturbating when you’re not here?”

“Oh, I bet you do. You’re a total horndog. I would know.” He winks. “Just say yes.”

The idea of going out with him doesn’t sound that awful. And we did have fun the last time we went out.

But this couch is also really comfy…

“What if I promise we won’t leave the house the rest of the weekend?” he proposes. “Well, you have to leave for work. And so my other girlfriend can come over, of course. Can’t have her here when you’re here. That’d be awkward.”

I kick at him and he laughs, grabbing my foot, halting my assault.

“Jack’s Box does have amazing fries. And a burger sounds pretty good…”

“Good. Let’s go grab some grub.”

He shoves up from the couch in a hurry, taking me with him.

“Oof.” I land face-first on the floor, right by the pizza stain that won’t come out of the rug.

“Why are you on the floor? Come on, I’m—”

“Starving. Yeah, I heard.” I roll over and glare at him. “You know, you’re kind of an awful boyfriend so far.”

He grins. “That so?”

I nod. “The worst I’ve had, and that includes Bobby John.”

He fake gasps and glowers at me as he lowers his body over mine, fitting against me and between my legs. “How dare you. You take that back.”

I lift a shoulder. “Bobby John would never throw me on the floor.”

He runs his nose up the column of my neck, peppering it with soft kisses as he makes his way to my ear, rolling his hips into mine. “I only threw you on the floor so I could ravish you.”

“If this is what you call ravishing me, you have some work to do.”

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