Love Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #2) - Teagan Hunter Page 0,4

failed kiss.

She wipes under her eyes, brushing away the tears that always form when she laughs too hard.

“Oh wow. I haven’t laughed that hard in way too long. I needed that.” She barks out another laugh. “Can you even imagine? Taking a romp in the sheets with you? Pass. Hard pass.”


I try not to take her words too harshly but, fuck, a man has his pride, and she just landed a direct hit to mine.

She sounds disgusted by the idea of us together, and while I can manage rejection just fine—not that it happens often—I wasn’t expecting that reaction.

Sure, I get it…to an extent. It’s one thing to strip bare with someone you hardly know, but it’s a whole different story to do it in front of someone who sometimes knows you better than you know yourself. It makes it ten times more personal.

I’m sure that’s what she’s referring to, but it’s damn hard to not take offense at her words.

I’m not lusting after her or anything, but I’m also not completely immune to…well, her.

Caroline Reed is hot, and if she were anyone other than my best friend, I’d have tried to woo her into my bed long ago.

I’d be a bald-faced liar if I said I never thought of her in ways that aren’t…appropriate.

I don’t think the idea of us together sounds that bad.

I let my mind wander for a split second, conjuring up those images I keep locked tightly away and have only indulged in a few times over the years.

Us. Naked. In bed together.

Caroline’s blonde hair wrapped around my fist with her on her knees.

My face between her thighs.


Wait—no! Stop it, you dumbfuck. This is Caroline you’re thinking about. You’re best friends. You do not cross that line, no matter what. Tuck that shit away and don’t you dare let on that your dick is starting to react.

I give myself a mental shake, pushing it aside, praying my brain won’t decide to replay that later when I’m attempting to fall asleep.

“It’s nice to know your mind is firmly in the gutter tonight, but I meant more like helping you find some suitors. Come out with me tomorrow.”

I already know what her response is going to be—a solid no—but it’s a million times better than her idea of using this stupid app.

Speaking of…

I navigate to her apps folder and promptly uninstall the damn thing before that sicko sends another nasty picture of his dick.

“With you? On a Friday? In…public?”

Okay, that’s the second time tonight she’s sounded repulsed by me. Now I’m really starting to take it personally.

I peel my eyes from her phone, narrowing them at her. “Don’t say that like you think I’m disgusting.”

“You’re not. Your friends are.”

Mostly true. They kind of are dicks. And gross. Especially when they get more than two beers in them, which is basically every Friday because those nerds get out of the house less than Caroline does, and that’s saying something.

Why the fuck do I hang out with them again?

Oh. Right.

Team building, as my boss likes to call it.

“What if I promise it’s just the two of us?”

I can totally ditch them…I hope.

She twists her lips. “I don’t know, Coop. I haven’t been out in a long time.”

“All the more reason to go.” I shake her phone in my hand. “You want to get laid? Let’s find you someone.”

Besides, I could use a few hours away from my computer, as well as a pair of legs wrapped around my waist. It’s been far too long since I’ve gotten laid myself.

“That’s what I was trying to do before you ruined it.”

“Let’s do it the old-fashioned way—by talking to someone.”

With a shaking hand, she tucks an errant strand of hair behind her ear.

It’s her tell. She’s nervous because she’s not good at the talking thing…and because she’s considering my offer.

“Come on, Care. What do you have to lose?” I pull my lips up on one side. “Besides your virginity?”

“I am not a virgin!”

“Are you sure your hymen hasn’t grown back?”

“Okay, that is not how it works and you know it. But, if that’s your way of implying it’s been way too long since I’ve gotten laid, you’re right.”

“Good. Then we agree. You’re coming with me tomorrow.” She opens her mouth to argue, but I point a finger, silencing her. “You’re going.” I toss her phone back to her. “And that’s final.”

“Don’t boss me around like you used to do in high school.”

“You love it when I boss you around.”

She grumbles something, but I Copyright 2016 - 2024