Love Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #2) - Teagan Hunter Page 0,21

idiot. I know she’s referring to the night we had together when our company first started coming here. It was a one-time thing, and I made sure that was clear when my boss began bringing us here almost every Friday.

Every time I come in, she references our roll in the hay and how nobody else has come close to rocking her world like that. Sad, because all I did was make her come. But I think she’s accepted there won’t be a repeat.

“Can you start a tab for me?”

“Sure thing. What’ll it be tonight, handsome? Your usual?”

I nod. “A spiced rum and root beer too.”

She lifts her perfectly sculpted brow. “Two drinks?”

You’re here with someone? That’s what she’s really asking.

“Two drinks tonight.”

“Pity.” She pouts, and I don’t correct her that I’m here with my best friend and not a date. “Be right back.”

She flounces away, putting extra sway into her hips. She’s hot, I’ll give her that, but she’s not what I’m after at the moment.

I rest my back against the bar, turning toward the crowd, scanning it for someone to help take me down off this edge I seem to be standing on.

My eyes eventually land back on my co-workers. Paul is chatting with Chad One and Chad Two, two other developers, while the rest of the group seems to be enraptured by a story being told by Drake, our resident class clown.

Joan is talking with another coder, and Caroline is…

Wait. Where the fuck is Caroline?

I push to my full height, scanning the space again.

Damn it’s crowded in here.

I’m having a tough time spotting her—but then the distinct color of her dress catches my eye.

She’s in the corner of the bar talking with Eli.

Fuck. Of course that tool would defy my direct order. He does it all the time during projects. He’s a fucking know-it-all and way too anal about some crap.

Eli is a jackass on a good day, but get a few drinks in him and he’s even worse.

He’s rowdy. Loud. Brash.

And definitely not fucking good enough for Caroline.

“Here you go, handsome,” Shayla says, drawing my attention. “Just let me know when you’re ready to close out.”

I nod my thanks, grab our drinks, and beeline straight for my best friend and the office tool.

She’s smiling, but I know her. It’s not her smile. It’s strained.

She’s hating every single second of talking to him, but she’s way too polite to tell him otherwise.

“Hey,” I say, sliding up to her. She looks at me with relieved eyes. “Got your drink.”

“Oh, hey, Bennett.” Eli nods, taking a pull off his beer, then wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Was just telling your friend here about our latest project.”

“The one she already knows all about?” I lift my brow. “My friend is also my roommate. She’s probably more aware of what our project entails than you are some days.”

Caroline covers her laugh with her glass, taking a sip from her drink. I try hard not to bash my co-workers because we all have our faults, but she’s more than aware of how much Eli irritates the living piss out of me.

Eli’s eyes dart between us. “I didn’t realize you two were living together.”

“Yep. Since when, Care? Freshman year of college?”

“The summer before then,” she corrects.

“Right. The summer before.”

“I didn’t realize you weren’t living at home anymore, Bennett. Thought for sure one of your mommies still made you lunch.”

I don’t miss the inflection in his voice, and I narrow my eyes at him.

If he thinks making jokes about the fact that I have two mothers is the way to go about getting Caroline’s affection, he’s an even bigger idiot than I thought.

There are many days I think my moms love my best friend more than me. She’s practically a daughter to them, and Caroline will defend their relationship with everything she has if she needs to.

“Oh, man.” Caroline practically moans. “I wish Momma Bennett made you lunch. I’d have her make tuna salad at least three times a week.”

“I hate tuna salad.”

“I know, but I love it. This isn’t about you, Coop. Keep up.”

“You’d seriously request that my mother make a meal I hate just because you like it? Do you think she loves you more than me?”

“Yes. We both know I’m Momma B’s favorite, just like we both know you’re Momma Kira’s favorite. She always wanted a boy.”

“That’s messed up. They picked me from the adoption agency. They both wanted me.”

“They picked you because they felt bad for you. Copyright 2016 - 2024