Love Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #2) - Teagan Hunter Page 0,17

get you laid.”

“You’re going out with Cooper?”

“Okay, why do I feel like you’re saying that in a bad way?” he says to River.

“Because I am. You’re a manwhore. It was my idea to not tell you about the dating app.”

“I am not.”

Darlene appears again, two plates in her hands. “You kind of are, honey. I’ve seen you in here many times with that I got laid last night but I’ll be damned if I know her name glaze in your eyes.” She sets a plate in front of him, then me. “And this poor girl is always sitting there looking like you dragged her out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to fix your problems.”

She pats his shoulder, then promises to check on us in a few and walks away.

“See? Even Darlene knows you’re awful with dating.” I cut into my waffle, scooting it around the plate to make sure I pick up the fallen chocolate chips.

I try to keep my sweet tooth in control, but these waffles get me every dang time.

I take a bite, loving the way the vanilla flavor explodes on my tongue.

“Because I don’t date.”

“Because you’re a manwhore,” River supplies.

“No, because there’s no point in dating if you’re not ready to make something happen with the person. I’m not saying I need to date to marry, because I’m not a fool and life happens, but what’s the point if I have no intentions of something lasting more than a couple months?” He shrugs, filling his fork up with another bite. “If I don’t see years’ worth of potential in a person, I don’t pursue dating.”

River twists her lips. “Hmm. I guess I actually kind of get that. You don’t want to get either of your hopes up.”

Cooper nods, shoveling a bite of his breakfast into his mouth, chewing, swallowing. “Exactly. I mean, come on, how often when you meet someone do you know straight away it’s just not going to work?”

“Often,” Dean says, seeing his point.

“Yep. But just because I don’t want to date someone doesn’t mean I can’t spend an hour or two between the sheets with them.” Cooper grins wolfishly. “You know, just to be sure.”

“So you two are going out on the prowl tonight? You’re going to, what, teach our shy girl here how to be like you?” River asks.

“Yes,” I answer. “And you two are more than welcome to come. Actually, I strongly encourage it. I really don’t want to hang out with Cooper’s douchey co-workers all night long.”

River frowns. “Wish I could say yes, but we have plans tonight. Dean’s sister, Holland, is coming into town and we’re meeting her for dinner. Then I have some store stuff to catch up on and Dean has papers to grade.”

“Ugh.” Dean groans, tossing his head back. “Please don’t remind me. If I have to read one more book report on Harry Potter, I’m going to scream.”

Dean’s an English teacher, and I have to give him major props for it. It takes a lot of love and patience to be able to do it. I should know—I failed at it spectacularly.

“Dude, I’m not a big reader and even I love Harry Potter.”

Dean shakes his head at Cooper. “It’s not that. Harry Potter is great, a fucking classic. But how is it seriously every single student’s favorite book? There’s no way. Plus, it would help if they didn’t write their report on the movie version instead of the book. It’s painfully obvious they didn’t read it and just watched the film.”

“The book is always better,” I interject, wiping at my mouth with my napkin.

“That’s why you’re my favorite, Caroline.” Dean holds out his fist, and I bump it.

“Okay, now that you two are done bonding over your mutual book-nerd tendencies, I have to get to work.” River pushes her chair back from the table and stands. “I wanted to go over the books before we open.”

“Which means I need to get to work too.”

I take one last bite of my waffle and shove my plate toward the center of the table. I chug the rest of my water, then rise from my chair.

“Don’t you dare let her work late and bail on our thing tonight,” Cooper says, pointing to River.

“Please. If anyone is going to be dragged out of that place kicking and screaming, it’ll be me. I’m married to my work.”

“Which means I never have to propose.” Dean pumps the air with his fist.

“You’re so annoying.” River shakes her head, rounding Copyright 2016 - 2024