Love Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #2) - Teagan Hunter Page 0,12

over the years creeps back in, but for the first time in our friendship, I’m wondering if it’s because I’m teasing her, or because I said cock.

There go those thoughts again…

Her eyes drop to my hands on her wrists, and suddenly it feels different to be touching her like this. More intimate somehow, even though I’ve touched her plenty before.

I slip my hands from her body and push myself away, grabbing my own cup of coffee, needing something to fiddle with to distract myself.

“You’re an awful friend, Cooper Bennett.”

“No I’m not. I’m the best friend—your best friend. And that’s not going to change just because you saw me naked.”

A slow grin pulls at her lips. “And touched your penis.”

Fuck. I’d almost forgotten about it for a few seconds.

I smile back over my mug and play along. “Yes, and grabbed my massive, crazy impressive schlong.”

“Was it massive? Huh. I was actually thinking it was kind of small.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “Bite your tongue, woman.” I’ll show you small. “No wonder you’re single, going around telling men their dicks are small. That’s no way to get laid. But you know what a good way to get laid is? Going out with me tonight.”

She groans. “Ugh. Don’t remind me of that. I only agreed because I accidentally fondled you.”

“Accidents don’t just happen accidentally, Caroline.”

She twists her full lips up in annoyance, reaching for her mug. “I’m so glad I decided on the big mug if I’m going to have to deal with you and your twisted logic tonight.”

“Yeah, well, you better hydrate too. Don’t forget you’re buying, and, baby, your best friend is a lush.”

“Oh, you don’t have to remind me.” She blows on the hot liquid in her cup. “I’ve taken care of your drunk ass enough times to know you can’t handle your alcohol.”

“Please. I can drink you under the table.”

“Because I hardly ever drink. My tolerance isn’t as good as yours.”

“Thought you said I couldn’t handle my booze.”

“Not as in you vomit all over the place—you can’t handle it in the sense of how much you drink. That’s your problem.” She takes a sip from her mug, sighing contentedly as the coffee hits her system. “Speaking of tonight, where are we going?”

“Probably Lorde’s, that place that plays their music too loud but has really good drink specials. It’s where we pretty much always go on these nights out. The boss loves it.”

Another groan. “I thought you said we were going to be alone.”

“I’ve been thinking about that actually. We can’t go out alone.”

Her mouth drops open. “Because I saw you naked?”

“What?” I shake my head. “No. We’re over that already.” Lie. “I meant we can’t go out alone because then it’s going to look like we’re on a date. And if it looks like we’re on a date…”

“Then I can’t get laid.” She nods and takes another drink. “That makes sense. But—”

“No!” I point at her. “No. When you say but like that, it means you’re going to follow it with—”

“Counteroffer.” She says it like I never spoke. “How about instead of going out with your douchebag co-nerds, we invite River and Dean?”

As much as I would prefer that… “Then we’ll look like we’re on a double date.”

“Ugh. True.” She huffs. “Fine. We’ll just go out with your friends.”

“You say that like I want to go out with them or something.”

“You say that like you’re not friends with them.”

“I have to be friends with them. Boss’s orders.”

“Your boss is so weird, forcing you all to go out and be social.”

“It’s called being normal. You should try it sometime.”

She taps her chin, pretending to think it over. “Hmm…no, thanks.” She takes another drink, smirking at me over the rim of her mug. “What are you making me for breakfast?”

I bark out a laugh. “Making you for breakfast? I’m the one who gave you a free show last night. You owe me breakfast.”

She glowers. “Are you going to hold this whole thing over my head for the rest of our lives?”

“Yes. In fact, I’m marking it on the calendar as a special occasion. We’ll commemorate this day for years to come.”

Back in high school after Caroline got her first boyfriend, she—like every other teenage girl with a boy on her arm—became obsessed with arbitrary dates and anniversaries. For a moment there, she reminded me of Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation, having a special date and anniversary for every little thing.

The first time Bobby John took me to get ice Copyright 2016 - 2024